Inside the Workshop
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Welcome to the DroneBot Workshop Forums!  We're a group of tech enthusiasts and would love it if you'd join us.


Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the Forum Rules to make this forum an enjoyable environment for everyone.


See the Forum Help Pages to learn how to use the forum.  If you experience error messages with the forum, please Report Problems here.


Please note that due to abuse, we now use a manual registration system for new members.

Inside the Workshop

Inside the Workshop

Components & Programming (2 viewing)

From Arduino to Zener Diodes, from C++ to Python - all of your electronics and programming questions belong here.

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Tools and Test Equipment

All the tools of the trade - from crimpers and soldering irons to oscilloscopes and 3D printers.


Project Corner (1 viewing)

Need assistance with your latest project? Perhaps you just built something and want to show off your new creation. This is the place for you to discuss all of your projects.


High-Tech Hobbies

Have a hobby related to electronics and automation? From Amateur Radio to Quadcopters, this is the place to discuss it! Show off your expertise, or get started with a new obsession.