Thank you for your interest in becoming part of the community on the DroneBot Workshop Forum.
Because of abuse by spammers, it was necessary to remove the old Registration Form. The forum now uses a personal registration system.
In order to become a forum member please send an email to forum [at] dronebotworkshop [dot] com. In your email please include the following information:
- Your First Name (Last Name is optional).
- Your desired User Name on the forum. Please note that this cannot be an email address!
- The reason you would like to become a forum member.
For that last part (the reason you would like to join the forum) just a sentence would be sufficient. I need something to allow me to determine that you are really a human and that you aren’t here to spam the other members.
Once I review your email I will set up an account for you and send you a temporary password, which you may change when you first log in. Please allow up to 48 hours for a response.
Thank you for your understanding. Looking forward to seeing you on the forum!