Welcome to the DroneBot Workshop Forum!
We are a small but growing community of electronics enthusiasts just like yourself, so you are sure to feel at home here. Our members range in all ages and levels of experience and the main focus here is to help one another. So if you have a burning question feel free to ask it – and if you can help out another member please jump right in and do so!
Now I understand that when you first see this forum it may seem a bit daunting, perhaps even a bit frightening! But, have no fear, there is nothing to be afraid of and with a little practice you’ll have mastered the forums many features and will be posting like an expert!
I’ve created these help pages and videos to assist you in finding your way around the forum. You can look at them in order or in any sequence you choose, and you may always refer back to them.
If You’re New Here
If this is your first visit to the forum I would like to welcome you again, and thank you for your interest in joining us.
You may have joined because you have a specific question you would like to ask, or perhaps you have a project that you want to share with the world. Or maybe you were just wanting to interact with like-minded individuals.
But before you get started there are a few things you should do first:
- Read the Forum Rules. They are pretty simple to understand, common sense really, but nonetheless you should be familiar with them.
- Setup Your Profile. You may want to change your password, although you’re welcome to keep the one we assigned to you. You also might want to add a picture, and perhaps provide a bit more information about yourself. All of these steps are optional, so you can skip them if you like.
- Introduce Yourself. Your first post (or “topic”, we’ll discuss the difference in these help screens) should always be an introduction. Let everyone know who you are and why you decided to join us. It doesn’t have to be a novel, and you only need to divulge any information you feel comfortable sharing. But at least take the time to say “hello”!
If you Find the Forum Confusing
Don’t worry, you’re not alone!
The software used on this forum is quite different from what you may be used to on other forums. It actually has many advanced features, and it’s designed to look good on desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.
But it can be confusing when you first see it. And the forum has several different sections, so even if you understand the software you may find navigating the forum to be a challenge at first.
These help pages should assist you:
- Navigating the Forum. Find your way around here so you can post in the correct section or quickly get the information that you’re looking for.
- How to create a new Topic. A “topic” is the start of every new thread. So if you want to start a conversation you’ll need to know how to make one.
- Add Code to your Post. If you have a problem with some code or would like to offer a solution to another member you’ll need to know how to post your code so it is readable.
- Add Pictures to your Post. A picture is often the best way to show off your work or to illustrate a problem. And it’s really easy to add them.
- Add Video to your Post. You can also add video, from YouTube or other sources, to your posts.
After looking at those pages you should be well on your way to navigating the forum like a pro!
But if you still need assistance you can get it:
- Ask other Forum Members! The easiest way to get help is to ask for it. So just create a post and tell us what you are having problems with.
- Send an EMail. If everything else fails you can send an email to forum[at]dronebotworkshop[dot}com.
Welcome to our community, I’m sure you’ll love it here!