Last seen: 2021-03-01 3:18 am
@yurkshirelad I'm not the circuit guy but ya voltage drops on load.. not sure about 330mA dropping 6 volts tho..
@robotbuilder Yup 😁 Ok here's how the sausage is made.. I found physically it was easier to do one or two fingers.. the fist tells where one end...
I'm going to try using a ps3 controller soon.. what were the issues with the standard modules you ran into?
Probably should have found this one first..doh..
So I think this will be the car.. I like the amount of sensors and control options and I'm hoping more to use it to learn those thin...
@sean451 Whaaa??? Lol
On the bench yesterday.. the furby project.. a voice activated furby that responds with either a random media file like mp3 or picks a random text fil...
@robo-pi Just looking for tools for my tool bag :-) Your project is awesome and I realize the TTS and STT are just the input and output devices. I...
@robo-pi Does espeak support CMS Arctic voices? I really like the RMS one I think they're also called Clunits.. or just mbrolla?
Lately it's been pretty much this..
Drinking from the fire hose here guys LOL :-)