I built a...facsimile? joystick? pendant? It controls the arm nicely, but how to I teach it to operate autonomously?
This is my first arduino project and my first time coding. I have no idea where to begin writing code to do this.
That's really cool 🙂
Maybe you could describe better exactly what you mean by "autonomously"
I found this link, which is probably sort of helpful
And this one, which only teaches preprogrammed moves. I would think that the arm would have to have a goal before it could achieve that goal
Very nice project tho !
By autonomously, I mean I want to move the arm manually with the joystick I made, record that movement, and have the ability to store and replay that movement.
Thanks for the reply!
There is code at this link to do, what I believe to be, exactly what yer looking for
It looks like the whole code is there (for arduino)
This is my first arduino project and my first time coding. I have no idea where to begin writing code to do this.
Thats a neat control thingy. Well if you want it to do stuff all on its own then you will have to program it. Where to begin on this stuff? Well are going to have to hook up some sensors so that your program can react to control your servo motors. How to write code? Theres load of tutorials on the internet to learn various program languages and code snippets to read sensors and control servo motors. For a beginner I think you cant beat getting a Raspberry Pi and then to lean to code in Python. But whatever, you will need to learn the basics of a programming language before going on to what code for what could be a rather sophisticated project. Have fun.
That is a really neat project.
The do something like that to remote control arms handling radioactive material however there is force feedback so sensitive they can pick up an egg.
Another project like yours.
Maybe somehow you could just move the robot arm itself by using a force feedback system and record the position changes?
With special servo motors
you can do this:
A hack to feedback pot position from an ordinary servo motor
Must have missed this tutorial!!
I hope one day to build a robot arm to put on my robot. Not sure what motors I will use, probably portable drill motors for their power which means I will have to include a POT on each joint. I don't want a wimpy toy arm. The two electronic suppliers I buy from (Jaycar or Altronics) do not stock the analog feedback servo motors so I will not be able to experiment with those.
No problem !
I kinda had a feeling it might be what you were looking for
I'm glad my atrociously atrophied amygdala could be of use to somebody
I've got 2 of these that I haven't quite figured out what to do with yet, and they have no feedback, but, it claims to have 20KG pull. I haven't tested what the actual weight is that it can lift, but I can tell that you wouldn't wanna get yer finger caught in whatever it's doing
Those are good servos the 20 I have a few of them they can move a fair amount of weight.