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Newbie needs help with arduino code

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Please don't be to critical of my codeing. I am new to all this and realize I need a lot of help/advise so here is my code for my Chip2 robot project. I have done all of this the best way i know how and have probably made a thousand mistakes but all I am asking for is some help correcting my mistakes.




#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
//#include <NewPing.h>
#include <MD_DS1307.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <TFT_HX8357.h> // Hardware-specific library
TFT_HX8357 tft = TFT_HX8357();       // Invoke custom library
#define TFT_GREY 0x5AEB // New colour
//#include <TimerOne.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Servo.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include <Adafruit_LSM303_U.h>
Adafruit_LSM303_Mag_Unified mag = Adafruit_LSM303_Mag_Unified(12345);
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 128 // OLED display width, in pixels
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 32 // OLED display height, in pixels
// Declaration for an SSD1306 display connected to I2C (SDA, SCL pins)
#define OLED_RESET     0 // Reset pin # (or -1 if sharing Arduino reset pin)
#define NUMFLAKES     10 // Number of snowflakes in the animation example
#define LOGO_HEIGHT   16
#define LOGO_WIDTH    16
static const unsigned char PROGMEM logo_bmp[] =
{ B00000000, B11000000,
  B00000001, B11000000,
  B00000001, B11000000,
  B00000011, B11100000,
  B11110011, B11100000,
  B11111110, B11111000,
  B01111110, B11111111,
  B00110011, B10011111,
  B00011111, B11111100,
  B00001101, B01110000,
  B00011011, B10100000,
  B00111111, B11100000,
  B00111111, B11110000,
  B01111100, B11110000,
  B01110000, B01110000,
  B00000000, B00110000 };
#define RpwmPin 4
#define LpwmPin 8
#define RdirPin 49
#define LdirPin 48
#define ENC_INR 3
#define ENC_INL 2 
#define trigPin1 10
#define echoPin1 13
#define trigPin2 44
#define echoPin2 47
#define BlueIrPin 28
// Pulse count from encoder
volatile long encoderValueRnow = 0;
volatile long encoderValueLnow = 0;
volatile long encoderValueL = 1;
volatile long encoderValueR = 1;
//NewPing sonar(trigPin1, echoPin1);
float duration1, distance1;
//int iterations = 5;
float duration2, distance2;
int STOPM = 0;  //stop motor
float GOMR = 32.0; // GO motor right PWM speed
float GOML = 30.0; // GO motor left  PWM speed
int Fdir = 0; // forward
int Rdir = 1; // reverse
int Servo1Pos = 0;    // variable to store the servo position
int blueIrdetect = digitalRead(BlueIrPin);
volatile long lastencoderValueR = 0; 
volatile long lastencoderValueL = 0;
int R180 = 458 ;
int L180 = 458 ;
int InSpinR = 0;
int InSpinL = 0;
int setspeed = 0;
int RPMinterval = 500;
long previousMillis = 0;
long currentMillis = 0;
float rpmR = 0;
float rpmL = 0;
float LbehindDif =0;
float LaheadDif = 0;
float RbehindDif =0;
float RaheadDif = 0;
// Motor encoder output pulse per rotation (change as required)
#define ENC_COUNT_REV 374
int Dheading = 108;
int heading   ;
int justshyofheading;
int justoverheading;
int lookRightDistance;
int lookLeftDistance;
int atc ;// int to indicate "IN" aligntocompass function
int htol ; // int to set heading vs Dheading tolarance
int justshydelay;
int justoverdelay;
int hournow;
int offset =20;// set the correction offset value
int numalign = 0;
int rwa =0;// number of right wheel reverse adjustments
int rwaDiv=0;// set to adjust rwa to cmmoved values
int lwa =0;// number of LEFT wheel reverse adjustments
int lwaDiv=0;// set to adjust lwa to cmmoved values
const char *dow2String(uint8_t code)
  static const char *str[] = { "---", "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" };
  if (code > 7) code = 0;
//int cmmoved;
Servo myservo;  // create servo object to control a servo
int cmmoved=(encoderValueR / 10);
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
//Serial.begin (9600);
// Setup initial values for RPM timer
  previousMillis = millis();
 // initialize with the I2C addr 0x3C
  display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C);  
  // Clear the buffer.
 //Serial.println("Magnetometer Test"); //Serial.println("");
  /* Initialise the sensor */
    /* There was a problem detecting the LSM303 ... check your connections */
    //Serial.println("Ooops, no LSM303 detected ... Check your wiring!");
myservo.attach(9);  // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo
  pinMode(RpwmPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LpwmPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(RdirPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LdirPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(trigPin1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(echoPin1, INPUT);
  pinMode(trigPin2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(echoPin2, INPUT);
 // Set encoder as input with internal pullup  
// Attach interrupt 
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(ENC_INR), updateEncoderR, RISING);
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(ENC_INL), updateEncoderL, RISING); 
void loop() {
  rwaDiv=(rwa / 10);
  lwaDiv=(lwa / 10);
  tft.println ("in void loop function" );
  int volt = analogRead(A0);// read the input
  double voltage = map(volt,0,1023, 0, 2500)+ offset;// map 0-1023 to 0-2500 and add correction offset
  voltage /=100;// divide by 100 to get the decimal values
// Update RPM value every 1/4 second
  currentMillis = millis();
if (currentMillis - previousMillis > RPMinterval) {
previousMillis = currentMillis;
// Calculate RPM of  Motors
rpmR = (float)(lastencoderValueR * 60.0 / ENC_COUNT_REV);
rpmL = (float)(lastencoderValueL * 60.0 / ENC_COUNT_REV);  
  cmmoved=(encoderValueR / 10);
   tft.setCursor(0, 0, 2);
tft.setTextColor(TFT_BLACK,TFT_WHITE);  tft.setTextSize(1);
tft.print("                  Chip2 Debug  ");

  tft.println("In Void Loop Function");
  tft.print("Voltage: ");
  tft.print(voltage);//print the voltge
  //tft.print("left RPM behind diff = ");
  //tft.print("right RPM behind diff = ");
      tft.print("Right Motor RPM = ");
      tft.println(" RPM");
      tft.print("Left  Motor RPM = ");
      tft.println(" RPM");
      tft.print("GOMR = ");        
      tft.print("GOML = ");        
tft.print("RIGHT wheel reverse adjustments = ");
tft.println (rwa);
tft.print("RIGHT wheel adjustments Div = ");
  tft.println (rwaDiv);
  tft.print("LEFT wheel reverse adjustments = ");
tft.println (lwa);
tft.print("LEFT wheel adjustments Div = ");
  tft.println (lwaDiv);
   tft.print("Encoder Value Right = ");
   tft.print("Encoder Value Left  = ");
   tft.print("Desired heading  ");
   tft.println(" ");
   tft.print("Compass heading  ");
   tft.println(" ");
tft.print("distance1 = ");
     tft.println(" cm");
     tft.print("distance2 = ");
     tft.println(" cm");
tft.print("Chip moved ");
tft.println ( " cm");
// tft.print("Number of times through void aligh  ");
  //    tft.print(numalign);
    //  tft.println("  ");

//////Serial.println( dow2String(RTC.calcDoW(RTC.yyyy,, RTC.dd)));
 //if (hournow >= 12){
  ////Serial.println ("afternoon");
 //if (hournow <= 12){
  ////Serial.println( "Morning ");
//  //Serial.print ("Chip2 moved ");
//  //Serial.print (cmmoved) ;
 // //Serial.println (" centimeters ");
  ////Serial.print("Encoder Value Right = ");
 /* display.setTextSize(1);
  display.print("Desired heading ");
  display.print("Compass heading ");
  //display.print (RTC.h,DEC);
  //display.print (":");
  //display.print (RTC.m,DEC);
  //display.print (":");
  //display.print (RTC.s,DEC);
  //display.print ("  ");
  //display.print( dow2String(RTC.calcDoW(RTC.yyyy,, RTC.dd)));
 /* display.print(encoderValueL);
  display.print ("   ");
  display.print("fmR  ");
  display.print("DH ");
  display.print(" CH ");
  // display.print("fmL  ");
 // display.println(GOML);
  //display.fillTriangle(30, 15, 0, 60, 60, 60, WHITE);
int mi = 0;
int mj = 0;
heading = compassheading(mi,mj);  
void sonar1read(){
  tft.println("in sonar1read function ");
   if (InSpinR > 0) {
   if (InSpinL > 0) {
 digitalWrite(trigPin1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trigPin1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trigPin1, LOW);
  // Measure the response from the HC-SR04 Echo Pin
  duration1 = pulseIn(echoPin1, HIGH);
  // Determine distance1 from duration1
  // Use 343 metres per second as speed of sound
 distance1 = (duration1 / 2) * 0.0343;
void sonar2read(){
 tft.println("in sonar2read function");
  if (InSpinR > 0) {
   if (InSpinL > 0) {
 digitalWrite(trigPin2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trigPin2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trigPin2, LOW);
  // Measure the response from the HC-SR04 Echo Pin
  duration2 = pulseIn(echoPin2, HIGH);
  // Determine distance2 from duration2
  // Use 343 metres per second as speed of sound
  distance2 = (duration2 / 2) * 0.0343;
void updateEncoderR()
  // Increment value for each pulse from encoder
void updateEncoderL()
  // Increment value for each pulse from encoder

void chipmove(){
  if (heading==0){
    analogWrite(RpwmPin, STOPM);
        analogWrite(LpwmPin, STOPM);
  tft.println("in chip move function" );
  cmmoved=(encoderValueR / 10);
  if (cmmoved >= 160 + rwaDiv) {
    ckpt1();// at kitchen table
  if (cmmoved >= 460 + rwaDiv) {
    ckpt2();// at coffee table
  if (cmmoved >= 610+ rwaDiv ){
    ckpt3();// at back door 
  if (cmmoved >= 910+ rwaDiv){
    ckpt4(); //at tv
  if (cmmoved >= 1143+ rwaDiv){
    ckpt5();//at end of fireplace
  if (cmmoved >= 1385+ rwaDiv) {
    ckpt6();//at hall door 
  if (cmmoved >= 1520+ rwaDiv) {
    ckpt7 ();// at radio room fireplace
  if (cmmoved >= 1690+ rwaDiv){
    ckpt8 ();//at radio room couch
   // GOMR=46; // speed up to climb on carpet
    //GOML=40; // speed up to climb on carpet
  if (cmmoved >= 2030+ rwaDiv) {
    ckpt9 ();// at end of couch
  if (cmmoved >= 2142+ rwaDiv) {
    ckpt10 ();//at roomba   
  if (cmmoved >= 2408+ rwaDiv) {
    ckpt11 ();//at kitchen door  
  if (cmmoved>= 2512+ rwaDiv) {
    ckpt12 (); //start line
  //Serial.print("htol = ");
  //Serial.println (htol);
  myservo.write(Servo1Pos); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'Servo1Pos'
  if (htol > 1){

   if (distance1 > STOPDIS ) {
    //if (Dheading == heading ) {
  // }
  // if (distance1 <=STOPDIS  ){ 
     // bothmotorsstop();
    // }
void ckpt1(){
  // Clear the buffer.
 // display.clearDisplay();
 // display.setTextSize(1);
 // display.print("Desired heading ");
  //display.print("Compass heading ");

  Dheading = 15;// at kitchen table

void ckpt2(){
  if (heading==0){
    analogWrite(RpwmPin, STOPM);
        analogWrite(LpwmPin, STOPM);
  Dheading = 103; // at coffee table
void ckpt3(){
  if (heading==0){
    analogWrite(RpwmPin, STOPM);
        analogWrite(LpwmPin, STOPM);
  Dheading = 16; // at back door
void ckpt4(){
   if (heading==0){
    analogWrite(RpwmPin, STOPM);
        analogWrite(LpwmPin, STOPM);
  Dheading = 295; //at tv
void ckpt5(){
   if (heading==0){
    analogWrite(RpwmPin, STOPM);
        analogWrite(LpwmPin, STOPM);
  Dheading = 348; //at end of fireplace
void ckpt6(){
   if (heading==0){
    analogWrite(RpwmPin, STOPM);
        analogWrite(LpwmPin, STOPM);
  Dheading = 289; //at hall door 
void ckpt7(){
   if (heading==0){
    analogWrite(RpwmPin, STOPM);
        analogWrite(LpwmPin, STOPM);
  Dheading = 245; // at radio room fireplace 
void ckpt8(){
   if (heading==0){
    analogWrite(RpwmPin, STOPM);
        analogWrite(LpwmPin, STOPM);
  Dheading = 203; // at radio room couch
void ckpt9(){
   if (heading==0){
    analogWrite(RpwmPin, STOPM);
        analogWrite(LpwmPin, STOPM);
  Dheading = 140;
void ckpt10(){
   if (heading==0){
    analogWrite(RpwmPin, STOPM);
        analogWrite(LpwmPin, STOPM);
  Dheading = 205;
void ckpt11(){
   if (heading==0){
    analogWrite(RpwmPin, STOPM);
        analogWrite(LpwmPin, STOPM);
  Dheading = 110;
void ckpt12(){
void bothmotorsgoforward(){
  tft.println("Both motors go, forward function");
  analogWrite(RpwmPin, GOMR);
     analogWrite(LpwmPin, GOML);
     digitalWrite(RdirPin, Fdir);
     digitalWrite(LdirPin, Fdir);    

void bothmotorsstop(){
  tft.println("in void bothmotorsstopped function");
  //Serial.print("Encoder Value Right = ");
        analogWrite(RpwmPin, STOPM);
        analogWrite(LpwmPin, STOPM);      
   // Clear the buffer.
  display.print("Desired heading ");
  display.print("Compass heading ");
  cmmoved=(encoderValueR / 10);
void htolset(){
  //tft.println("in htolset functioon");
  if (Dheading < heading) {
  htol = (heading - Dheading);
  htol = htol * 1.0;
if (Dheading > heading) {

  htol = (Dheading - heading);
  htol = htol * 1.0;
  atc = 1;  
void aligntocompass(){
tft.println("in aligntocompass function ");
  atc = 1;
  justshyofheading=(Dheading - heading);
  justoverheading=(heading - Dheading );
  if (justshyofheading  < 10){  
    if (justshyofheading < 0) {
      justshyofheading =justshyofheading - justshyofheading;
if (justoverheading  < 10){    
    if (justoverheading  < 0) {
      justoverheading = justoverheading - justoverheading;      
    if (justoverheading >= 1 ) {

      if (justoverheading <=6 && justoverheading >=0 ){
      if (justoverheading>=5){
      justoverdelay = (justoverheading * 10);
      analogWrite(RpwmPin, STOPM);
      analogWrite(LpwmPin, STOPM);
     // delay(2000);
      lwa++;// number of LEFT wheel adjustment
delay (justoverdelay);
  if (justshyofheading >= 1) {
    if (justshyofheading <=6 && justoverheading >=0){
      justshydelay = (justshyofheading * 10);
      analogWrite(RpwmPin, STOPM);
      analogWrite(LpwmPin, STOPM);
     // delay(2000);
      rwa++;// number of RIGHT wheel adjustment
void compassdisplay(){
int compassheading(int x, int y){
  tft.println("in compassheading function");
  int result;
   /* Get a new sensor event */
  sensors_event_t event;
  float Pi = 3.14159;
  // Calculate the angle of the vector y,x
  int heading = (atan2(event.magnetic.y,event.magnetic.x) * 180) / Pi;
  //result = x * y + heading ;
  result = heading ;
  // Normalize to 0-360
  if (heading < 0)
    heading = 360 + heading;
    result = heading ;
  ////Serial.print("Compass Heading: ");
  ////Serial.print("Dheading  = ");
  ////Serial.println (Dheading);
//delay (5000);
  return result;
void ccwspin(){
  tft.println ("in ccwspin function ");
void cwspin(){
tft.println ("in cwspin function ");
void lookforclearpath(){
tft.println("in look for clear path function");
if (lookLeftDistance>= lookRightDistance){
if (lookLeftDistance<= lookRightDistance){
void LookRight(){ 
  tft.println("in look right function");
 // tell servo to go to position in variable 'Servo1Pos'
//Serial.print("lookRightDistance =  ");
void LookLeft(){
   tft.println("in look left function");
    delay (250);
   //Serial.print("lookLeftDistance =  ");
void adjustmotorspeed(){
tft.println(" in adjustmotorspeed function");
if (encoderValueR <  encoderValueL){
            GOMR =(GOMR + 1);
            if (GOMR > 42){
              GOMR = 32;
        if ( encoderValueR  > encoderValueL){
        GOMR = (GOMR - 1);
        if (GOMR < 25){

Sorcerers' Apprentice
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 923

but all I am asking for is some help correcting my mistakes.

Now that is a very tall order! ? ? ? 

The first obvious mistakes are the following lines.

long previousMillis = 0;
long currentMillis = 0;

The variables should be declared "unsigned long"! Not critical, but this doubles the amount of time until the next reset to zero milliseconds.

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Posted by: @pugwash

The variables should be declared "unsigned long"! Not critical, but this doubles the amount of time until the next reset to zero milliseconds.

Thank you , i have corrected them in my code.



int setspeed = 0;
int RPMinterval = 500;
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
unsigned long currentMillis = 0;
float rpmR = 0;
float rpmL = 0;

Sorcerers' Apprentice
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 923


Perhaps it might be a good idea to attach the .ino file. Being able to collapse the functions until needed, makes easier reviewing than constantly scrolling up and down through the whole sketch!

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Posted by: @pugwash

Perhaps it might be a good idea to attach the .ino file. Being able to collapse the functions until needed, makes easier reviewing than constantly scrolling up and down through the whole sketch!

Okay let me try to do that.



Sorcerers' Apprentice
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 923


I forgot to mention that doing math with different data types can lead to unexpected results, therefore you need to change, just for safety's sake.

int RPMinterval = 500; to 
unsigned long RPMinterval = 500;


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Posted by: @pugwash

I forgot to mention that doing math with different data types can lead to unexpected results, therefore you need to change, just for safety's sake.

Thank you I have changed the code.


int setspeed = 0;
unsigned long RPMinterval = 500;
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
unsigned long currentMillis = 0;
float rpmR = 0;

Sorcerers' Apprentice
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 923


You have a lot of repetition between lines 430 and 509.

Perhaps you should consider one function and a passed variable like this

ckpt(103); //function call, replaces ckpt2

void ckpt(int hdg){
  if (heading==0){
    analogWrite(RpwmPin, STOPM);
        analogWrite(LpwmPin, STOPM);
  Dheading = hdg; // at coffee table

Now you can get rid of ckpt2 to ckpt11 altogether. Leave ckpt1 and ckpt12 as they are!


Now we come to lines 347 to 384 (multiple if statements). This is a classic situation for "switch case" statements!


    case (>= 2512 + rwaDiv):
      ckpt12(); //start line
    case (>= 2408 + rwaDiv):
      ckpt(110); //start line
    case (>= 2142 + rwaDiv):
      ckpt(205); //start line
... //you fill in the rest

NOTE that I have inversed the conditional, starting by checking for the highest value first and have included the function call shown above. This should make your code a little more compact.

Try it out and check that it works properly, before adopting it permanently!

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Posted by: @pugwash

   ckpt(110); //start line    break;    case (>= 2142 + rwaDiv):      ckpt(205); //start line    break;

I thank you again for taking your time to help me.

i am a little confused about " ckpt(110) and ckpt(205) as they are not in my code.

please let me know where I made my mistake(s)

also i am getting a compile error

chip2_10-27-2019.ino: In function 'void chipmove()':

chip2_10-27-2019:350:11: error: expected primary-expression before '>=' token

case (>= 2512 + rwaDiv):


chip2_10-27-2019:353:11: error: expected primary-expression before '>=' token

case (>= 2408 + rwaDiv):


chip2_10-27-2019:354:15: error: 'ckpt' was not declared in this scope

ckpt(110); //start line


chip2_10-27-2019:356:11: error: expected primary-expression before '>=' token

case (>= 2142 + rwaDiv):


exit status 1
expected primary-expression before '>=' token


IMG 1074



This post was modified 5 years ago by Chip

Sorcerers' Apprentice
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 923


i am a little confused about " ckpt(110) and ckpt(205) as they are not in my code.

These values are taken from the following original code "Dheading" variable:

void ckpt10(){
   if (heading==0){
    analogWrite(RpwmPin, STOPM);
        analogWrite(LpwmPin, STOPM);
  Dheading = 205;
void ckpt11(){
   if (heading==0){
    analogWrite(RpwmPin, STOPM);
        analogWrite(LpwmPin, STOPM);
  Dheading = 110;

chip2_10-27-2019:354:15: error: 'ckpt' was not declared in this scope

ckpt(110); //start line

Declare "ckpt" at the top of the sketch!

The other errors I will have a look at!

Sorcerers' Apprentice
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 923


Don't bother declaring "ckpt"!

Sorcerers' Apprentice
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 923


Try compiling this, the errors should be gone, hopefully!! ? ?


Sorcerers' Apprentice
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 923


Forget my last post, the "switch case" is slightly more complex than I thought!

Sorcerers' Apprentice
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 923


I have reactivated all the "if" statements, "switch case" was not doing what I wanted it to do, but I have left the single function in this version.

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Posts: 79
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Posted by: @pugwash

Try compiling this, the errors should be gone, hopefully!! ?

now im geting this error

chip2_10-27-2019:350:35: error: the value of 'rwaDiv' is not usable in a constant expression

case (cmmoved >= 2512 + rwaDiv):


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