Last seen: 2025-02-18 10:03 am
@dronebot-workshop Hi Bill, I did make a tentative start to read the docs on the Sony site - but reading was as far a I got. Its probably also ...
I've got the rpi AI cam and the provided examples that are available show what can be done as illustrated in Bills video, but to get your own AI recog...
@robotbuilder stall-e has shrunk, now its a neel-e. No place to rest a weary bum. You may be better off putting your laptop on a desk and communicat...
@robotbuilder I think I will have to create a robo folder on my new mac for your snippets. That spidery thing finds its way around the grid rather n...
@robotbuilder Thanks for your thoughts on how to be the scourge of the bunnies. The original gem of an idea was to have a bot to chase the bunnies...
Indeed not 😀, but your remarks on your ability to navigate your goodself by gazing at those far off sandy hills, I think that maybe you missed...
Yes thats correct, but GPS RTK it wont work indoors a clear view of the sky is needed. I will only be using that for my outdoor bot. With GPS you c...
@robotbuilder You've been a bit quite on the robot front, I hope Stool-e is progressing and terrorising the living room inhabitants. 😆 I...
@robotbuilder Oh I see, it was generated from your basic code, and I too am surprised it did it so so well. Yes I did try the program and it work...
@robotbuilder That code does look ok, but, did you ask for a screen display visulisation or just a calculation example? If you were just wanting ...
@robotbuilder Thanks for you nice python program as created by a c++ to Python converter. Just don't ever get tempted to use any of the AI programs...
@zander That small c++ code snippet was a first test from a few years back when thought it may be a good idea to learn c++. But I never used c++ fo...
@zander Though I've not tried it I think the xcode app has the ability to compile c and c++ as well as swift and uses the CLang compiler to do thi...
@zander I post all the info just to see a blank screen !! Do you see the post above ?
@zander Though I've not tried it I think the xcode app has the ability to compile c and c++ as well as swift and uses the CLang compiler to do thi...