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Should I review this product? I would love your opinion please!

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Robo Pi
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Posted by: @dronebot-workshop

The fact that you'd consider unsubscribing if I did a review is a bit disturbing, hopefully, my other 99,756 subscribers don't feel as strongly as that!

I don't know where you got that idea.  I don't recall saying that.   Although it is true that if you veered off in that direction permanently I would indeed lose interest.

Posted by: @dronebot-workshop

I think you're under the wrong impression James, despite the title of this thread I never had intended to do a "quick review" of anything.

That's the problem.  Doing a full tutorial on one takes a lot of time.  That's time that you wouldn't be spending doing full tutorials on the devices you already have us introduced to.

All I'm saying is that the major thing that attracted me to your channel in the first place is the fact that you were doing in-depth tutorials on various modules and peripherals for the Arduino.  One device with a hundred videos on how to use it.  That's attractive because that allows the viewer to buy just one device and then become educated on how to use it in-depth.    I was kind of hoping that you would go in the same direction with the Raspberry Pi and Jetson Nano.

That's all I'm saying.

And besides, you did say that you would love our opinions.  So you can hardly blame me for offering mine. ? 

It's just an opinion, along with an in-depth explanation of why I feel the way I do.

I supposed I should have just made a short post saying, "I'd rather see more in-depth videos on the Raspberry Pi and Jetson Nano".   And just left it at that.

Posted by: @dronebot-workshop

Take a look at the video on LIDAR that I did a year ago as an example. I did receive the LIDAR units from DFRobot and acknowledged that in the video and in the article and video description. I then proceeded to do a tutorial on how LIDAR works, and how to use the LIDAR units with the Arduino.

Incidentally, that video and article are among my most popular. I still get emails every week about them, and my YouTube Analytics shows that video as having the highest engagement and retention time of any of my videos.

And I'm willing to bet that those same people who liked those videos would tune in intensely if you made even more in-depth videos on how to actually use the LIDAR in a program to do something useful.  I'm secretly hoping that this will indeed be the case when DB1 gets to the point where you'll be adding the LIDAR to it.

I don't mean to sound negative in any way.  I'm just answering your question about having an opinion on something.  If you ask for my opinion my answers are the following:

  1. Keep things as inexpensive as you possibly can.
  2. Only take on products that you intend to continue to do in-depth tutorials on long after the review.

These are just opinions.  Nothing more.  In the end you are obviously free to do whatever you want.  You live in Canada so I can't even have Trump threaten to deport you if you don't do as I say. ? 

DroneBot Workshop Robotics Engineer

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@DronBot Workshop

Hi Bill,  I'm with the majority of your youtube followers who find your tutorial articles to be the most interesting of your articles.  Actually I think they are by far the best I have found in my internet crawling.  Your robot vlog is also interesting, particularly as I'm in the process of building my own, and its great to pick up the tips and learn from your experience.  However IMHO the tutorials such as you produced for the LIDAR are the real gems.

I would think I speak for 99.99% who would keep subscribing if/when you do produce a tutorial on this most interesting product, sponsorship or not, so please don't be put considering a 'review' of the product.  I take your point that sponsorship of a product, whilst not swaying your conclusions, would put you under some obligation to actually produce a write up to a reasonable timetable, and only you can be a judge of that constraint.  I feel you may have been somewhat minded to produce a tutorial on this product and you may now have been put off by just one negative comment.   But whatever,  I look forward to all your DroneBot episodes. (and intrigued as to your collaboration project - something to look forwards to I'm sure.)

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