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Raspberry pi

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As far as the raspberry 4 goes how would anybody rate it I want to add one to duce robot but I wanted to see if anyone got one from what I have seen it is a power house and.......we like power house's

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I bought one. I haven't put any kind of huge stress on it yet tho. All I've done with it so far is upload a sketch to an arduino tho

And of course, I had to erect a small building on it to keep it cool.


If you get one, you definitely need to get the official pi4 power supply. I got the canakit one

I would try to load ROS on it, but I've already failed at loading ROS from scratch so many times that it's no longer fun

Oh ! I just found a pi4 ROS image !

No idea what to make of it yet. I just started the download

I hope it's fun

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I think I might get one I saw that there are pre flashed cards with ros and Ubuntu I think I saw them on the ros website but I'm not sure I have ros on windows but I have not touched it yet I don't know if duce can even be an autonomous robot due to size but I'm going to try I'm sure ros will be a rabbit hole of its own  for sure

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Posted by: @spyder And of course, I had to erect a small building on it to keep it cool.

Doesn't that defeat the advantage of it being a small computer board?

To understand where I am coming from my main interest is in actually building a working robot before xmas rather than playing with lots of different pieces of hardware not required to achieve the desired outcome.

For a robot controller I suspect a small laptop would be a better choice than making an equivalent controller using a RPi in terms of giving you more bang for your buck?

The main downside of using a laptop is its lack of gpio pins and thus requiring the use of the usb port to interface to the Arduino or other low level controller. However a laptop comes with a battery, screen, camera and keyboard as part of the price plus I assume better performance in terms of speed and plenty of memory?

My other thought is:  if the Rpi3 does the job why use a Rpi4?  Just as you might just use the Arduino instead of a RPi because it does the job you require of it.

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Posted by: @casey

Doesn't that defeat the advantage of it being a small computer board?

My middle name is "Overkill"

Somebody showed me a picture of these


But I don't know where to find them. Seems like one of the ones with a fan would do the job

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spyder wrote:
My middle name is "Overkill"

I wonder what kind of car you drive?

spyder wrote:
Somebody showed me a picture of these

The Unistrom Raspberry Pi 4 Case?

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@Spyder - the cases can be purchased from Pimoroni.

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That's where the panda latte comes in plenty of gpio pins a I believe a mega 2560 built in arduino ide built in full windows 10 version HDMI check out raspberry panda I think I have both of them booted up on the robot  .I'm trying ? hopefully I can get duce moving on its own .
