I want to connect a motor with a 3D-printed wheel-adapter out of PLA. My thought was glueing it, but the problem is that the motor shaft has a thread because of which the wheel could rotate easier which is not what I want. Does someone have experience with something like that?
1. Which glue would be best for that?
2. I also thought of grinding a shape in the motor shaft. How hard is that to do?
I want to connect a motor with a 3D-printed wheel-adapter out of PLA. My thought was glueing it, but the problem is that the motor shaft has a thread because of which the wheel could rotate easier which is not what I want. Does someone have experience with something like that?
1. Which glue would be best for that?
2. I also thought of grinding a shape in the motor shaft. How hard is that to do?
In most of my projects of a similar nature, I try many things, different wheels, or use it in a different project needing a gear on the end. If it were me, I'd take advantage of the threads. Get some nuts, lock washers and/or nylon lock nuts. Put in order like {nut, lock washer, your adapter, lock washer, nut, second nut to lock it in}. Tightening down should be enough to freeze the adapter on the shaft. Considering the design of your motor's shaft, I'd say that is how its meant to be used.
If you really want to glue it, two part epoxy is the way to go. Make sure to clean the threads using acetone or alcohol, could roughen them up with sandpaper or a metal file.
Grinding should be pretty easy. A file should do or a hobbyist metal grinding cutting wheel. I use a cheap ($8) Harbor Freight set. Your bio doesn't mention where you are, so if you don't have H.F., it's made in China and I'm sure you can get the same thing through other vendors.
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If it were me, I'd take advantage of the threads. Get some nuts, lock washers and/or nylon lock nuts. Put in order like {nut, lock washer, your adapter, lock washer, nut, second nut to lock it in}. Tightening down should be enough to freeze the adapter on the shaft.
I tried that out now and it works really well and holds tight even after several days of use. Thank you for your help!