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MP3 player with multiple cueing devices

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Hi All,

I'm a street entertainer by trade but have got into Arduino programming. I'm building an mp3 player with the Adafruit mp3 breakout to play the sound files from an SD card. I'm designing multiple units that plug into the main unit to fire the sound cues so to speak. The reason for this is that I do a number of shows that need different cueing techniques. For example, some are fired using an RF key fob, others with capacitive touch sensors. This cueing info will be sent via the i2c bus to the main unit that plays the sound files from the various secondary units that are used to cue the tracks.

I've designed one such unit around a capacitive touch screen. I have tried it with an Arduino shield, but actually want to use a breakout version in the finished product that could work with another microcontroller. I'd like to use a smaller one such as a Teensy or a Seeduino xiao. I've looked at the specs for these boards and they do seem to have much smaller max current loads than the Arduino Uno or Mega.

I'm looking at the specs for the touch screen and it says that the display draws 100ma of current. I also believe that you can only power 3.3V sources directly from the xiao. I assume that if I connect the touch screen and use a teensy LC of a xiao to power it I will fry the microcontroller with too much current. I'm assuming that I will need to power the touch screen from a separate source and just hook up the logic level connections to the xiao. Is this correct?

I've written the code using the Adafruit 2.8" TFT Touch Shield for Arduino w/Capacitive Touch

But want to use something like the Adafuit 2.8" TFT LCD with Cap Touch Breakout Board w/MicroSD Socket

of maybe the bigger version. But I believe they have similar specs. Many thanks for reading this

SolitaryLeaf reacted