Will this work to control a latching relay? Do I need to use more input/output pins? All I need to do is reverse the leads to the contactor.
Assuming that all you need to do is reverse the polarity to the relay then I think that would work fine, providing that you tie the STBY (Standby) lead to 5-volts to enable the TB6612FNG. You might also need to tie the PWMA lead high to turn the H-Bridge fully on.
Nice diagram by the way!
"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak
Nice diagram by the way!
Thanks, I've been wanting to ask what you use to make the diagrams you use for the videos.
If I want to add a manual override could I just wire it between the contactor and the TB6612FNG or would I have to do it through the Arduino?
Thanks, I've been wanting to ask what you use to make the diagrams you use for the videos.
LOL, if I had a dollar for every time I've been asked that question I could probably retire by now! I use Apple Keynote to create all my diagrams. It used to cost a whopping 20 dollars but now it's free, so you can't beat the price (as long as you already have a Mac). I believe they now have a cloud implementation of it so you might even be able to use it with Linux or Windows, but I'm not sure about that.
During this week's "website update" I'm adding a FAQ page to the site, that will definitely be one of the questions I answer.
As for the Manual Override, I'm sure you could rig one up, but before you do I'd give consideration to any of the other things that the Arduino is doing. If you do a manual override externally to the Arduino then the Arduino would not be "aware" of the override, unless you're incorporating some kind of feedback mechanism in your design.
You could always just add a switch to one of the Arduino inputs and use that as a manual override switch, which I guess is what you meant by "through the Arduino".
Is the Arduino doing anything else, like sensing something to trip your relay? If it's only been used to drive the H-Bridge then you could eliminate it altogether and just control the H-Bridge directly through its inputs. But as I'm not sure what your design is meant to accomplish that may not be feasible.
"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak
That was just part of the circuit, I like to get sections working then add them together. I have most of this working. Waiting on a few parts to make sure. Here's the whole project. Hoping the Arduino can run it all.
Well, that did work kinda. I hooked everything up using Arduino power to VM with some LEDs to check to see if polarity was reversing, everything worked great. Now, I hooked up to the relay to test with 18 volts (OOPS) and let the smoke out. I was able to replace the 10uf capacitor and get the board operating again. The 18 volts was a mistake but, this is an automotive project and it's quite possible that VM could go above the boards rated 15 volts. Can I use this board, using the regulated 5v to power a mosfet that can take the higher volts/amps that I could possibly encounter? Am I overthinking this? Is there a better solution? All I really need to do is reverse leads on one latching solenoid for less than a second. That solenoid will only get switched if all of other safetys have failed or I want to manually switch for maintenance. Or should I build my own H bridge using some higher power mosfets?