Last seen: 2022-01-09 10:55 am
@mariog The LEDs are connected to a common ground. Each LED has a dedicated female header. Depending on which way around it is used, headers 1, 3,...
A very useful tool indeed! And a good idea to put them on printed circuits. Thanks for making the Gerbers available. I handmade something similar a ...
Although your intentions may be noble, I believe the consensus, from top to bottom on this forum, is NOT to make homemade medical equipment, especiall...
@frogandtoad This may change your mind. These are the measurements on my oscilloscope. Using PWM pin 4 of an Arduino Mega at 980Hz. My termi...
Well done, getting it all to work! If your intention is to do some automation in your workshop, then you are going to have to get your head around r...
@frogandtoad Oh! Silly me! I guess I should have used the phrase "apparent" or "effective" voltage. Try it! Measure the voltage on the output pi...
@skip_evans I set up an Arduino with the same configuration as James this morning, and I got the same results, 50% duty cycle at 490Hz. There is n...
@skip_evans I wouldn't normally consider using a scope as entry-level to electronics but now you have got one, let's see! I took a look at the You...
My choice for dessert would probably be Big Clive and Great Scott!
@skip_evans I don't wish to sound condescending but I don't know whether I am talking to an absolute novice or not but, the quickest way to create a...
@dronebot-workshop Apart from the inline ads, I think I counted 10 of them in one hour, it was interesting! I especially liked your opinion on edu...
By the way, you won't get a square wave from a battery or from the 5V and Gnd connections on your Uno. You need to program a digital output pin to a...
Start by testing your oscilloscope. On the front panel, there should be connections for a square wave and ground. If you attach your probes to these c...
@goddlediddles You would probably agree that if Elegoo is putting these things in entry-level, all-encompassing beginners kit, then they are pro...