Last seen: 2019-12-31 8:02 pm
Okay I solved this issue with the command : sudo usermod -a -G dialout user and rebooted
Yes I agree, that is the next thing I will be working on. At some point I'm sure ROS needs to be in control of everything. For now though I still have...
I totally agree, although I may have to increase his rpm's by a factor of 10. ;)
The code seems to be working with no problem. Eric I really don't know how to thank you enough for all your help and guidance , the headingDelta code ...
Yes I did try that and found it nearly impossible due to rpm's of both motors always are slightly different. I don't have PID motor controllers, those...
After looking at both cpp.h files am I correct in assuming the second one is a modified version of the first one and might resolve my zero heading is...
I read this statement again and made corrections again although at the moment I can not test it as my battery is being charged. void alignToCompass() ...
Here is my modified code with print statements for debugging that will be removed later and will affect my turnDelay . void alignToCompass() { ...
htolset(); if (htol > 3) { aligntocompass(); } I think this is the Bug I am looking for, seems as if (heading = Dheading +2 or -2) th...
void aligntocompass() { int justshyofheading ;// just shy of Desired heading (Dheading) int justoverheading ;// just over Desired heading (Dhead...
I will take a look at that ASAP, in the meantime look at what I have been working on with the headingDelta and tell me what you think, I still have bu...
Yes your understanding is correct. At the present time I only use the right encoder to determine distance traveled, you may notice some small variatio...