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My first dive down the rabbit hole

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So I got this to play with around Christmas

20201212 113106 1

I ordered a few things, one of them being a bag of servos.. once they came in I decided to play with them and basically figure out whats the deal with servos..

As I looked at the bag-o-motors I realize if ya stick 4 of them together with some tape, voila.. insta robot to test how they work

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I played around setting them off and evenutally ended using pocketsphinx keyword voice detection on a pi4 to tell it sit, walk, etc..

So this got me thinking.. hmm ok.. so how can I build something with this.. build.. ok I got legos.

I decided to challenge myself to build a robot arm with nothing but servomotors and legos. Nothing. Else.
Challenge accepted..

So this was 1/2 the critical solution... figuring out a motor mount.. this ended up fitting almost bizarrely well.


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With that figured.. I found if I pinch a block I can use it as an arm.. so then this happened..

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I kinda reached a stability point with 2 motors, so my "arm" only had 2 degrees of freedom.. still. I call it a challenge success as nothing but legos and motors did this..

still nagging in my noggin was the original walking thing.. it never really.."walked".. I want walk. I lifted the lego only thing but only ended up using some tape and a little plastic wrap and superglue for a hub mold.. the other 1/2 of the critical solution..

so putting it all together..

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turned into

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and then I found out how very, very, hard it is to make something walk. I even made a model..

Screenshot at 2021 02 01 15 36 45

this was reeeally hard and I never perfected it but I got what I wanted.. maybe feeble.. but walk.. I will probably revisit this..

And thus ends my "study" on servo motors.. I think I got it 🙂


(ps sorry for the sucky vids.. they are WAY compressed)

Sean451 reacted
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 79

@supercharlie this was a fun read! I have servos and a control board in my project backlog. It will take me a few kicks to get me to this point. That said, I do have a Mindstorm kit sitting here (remnants of a past FIRST Lego League excursion). 

Nice work, creative!

"Hardware eventually fails. Software eventually works." - Michael Hartung

Sean451 and SuperCharlie reacted