It's actually for the RaspberryPi 400, but I'm pretty sure the RPi4-OS is the same.
Which is the correct way to install Arduino IDE in RaspberryPi OS,
There's a few ways to go, from the 'Add/Remove' software app, in RaspPiOS, which also has the sudo install app option from the terminal window, or down-loading the latest one from and extracting it?
The one in the Add/Remove software app, has different version number to the one from
Also I've assumed it's 32bit for the Pi4, is this correct?
Thanks in advance for any help offered.
No such thing as too much energy, it's just un-utilised potential.
There's a couple of different ways
The one in the Add/Remove software app, has different version number to the one from
Also I've as
Right, that's one of the ways. But if you do it that way, you don't get the latest and greatest, and then the software starts reminding you that you don't have the latest and greatest at which point it becomes really stupid, cuz there's no real way to upgrade it from inside the software
So basically, it's reminding you to do something you can't really do
Or, you could go to the arduino webpage and download the 32bit arm version (I think the version that comes packaged with the pi400 is 32 bit)
Let's find out, shall we ?
If we open a terminal window, and type uname -m then hit enter, it should give us a clue...
If it comes back and says aarch64 then it's 64 bit
If it comes back and says arm71 then it's 32 bit
Mine says it's 32 bit, so let's go with that
Download yer program. It's arduino-1.8.13-linuxarm.tar.xz which is a "tarball", but this is more fun, cuz it's a zipped tarball, but you can't unzip it cuz it's not a zip file, which is dumb, so you gotta untar it, which you also can't do, you have to tar it, which is also dumb, so we're gonna "extract" it and untar it at the same time by typing this...
tar -xvf arduino-1.8.13-linuxarm.tar.xz
It is at this point where you hope that somebody comes in and sees all that stuff scrolling up the screen, cuz it makes you look like a hacker when random stuff scrolls up your screen
Isn't linux fun ?
Now if you type ls you should see a new folder called arduino-1.8.13
Change to that directory by typing cd arduino-1.8.13 and type ls again
Hopefully, we'll find something simple in there.
Hopefully, it's something with the word "install" someplace in it
Yup, there is. It's called
This is gonna require super powers, so, we're gonna type sudo ./
Which means "super user do run this install script"
You should see some messages that say it can't do it, then it should do it anyway, and then it should tell you that it did it. You'll know this when it says "done!" (which is a really clever way of telling you that it's done)
Now you should have an icon on your desktop that says "Arduino IDE" (which would be your Arduino IDE)
If you double click on that, hopefully, something good should happen
Or, you could go to the arduino webpage and download the 32bit arm version (I think the version that comes packaged with the pi400 is 32 bit)
Yes it is, and thanks for the info, i'll be trying it out in the next few days.
Using Berryboot I tried getting RaPi 64bit OS working but no luck.
RaPi,Ubuntu 64 bit, the purple gorrilla backgroud, is working ok.
Now I have to work out how much I want to add my other boards to a 32bit OS, or wait for the RasPi's official 64bit stable release, i'm too new to raspi for betas.
I'm loving the Pi400, so nice having a clean slate option at boot time. Haven't played with GPIO's yet either, the sense hat emulator is cool too. I've even done a few of the scratch tutorials.
I'm seriously considering the CrowPi2 when it comes out.
No such thing as too much energy, it's just un-utilised potential.
@Squish - I know this is an older topic, but did you get the Arduino IDE working on the Pi 400? The 400 would make a nice, small computer for developing on.
I wonder if they will release an 8Gb version.