Last seen: 2022-05-20 5:07 pm
@will yup LED's work too... I'm going back into the PCB design to make the changes you suggested and make sure that the schematic lines up with the da...
@will yes sir, first video doesn’t have it attached but I just included it and it worked like a charm
@ronalex4203 For sure, these are great designs. I've done a lot of research on the topic and the barn door trackers are solid but they lack in a few a...
@will It does work on the breadboard, relatively well I'd say. Couldn't take a long video due to size constraints, but here it is. Unfortunately just ...
@robotbuilder Wired in the breadboard it definitely worked, which is why I fail to see where I went wrong. Agreed it ~should~ be the PCB that's the pr...
@will I checked my PCB with a multimeter and everything seems to check out except a few things a) my wiring to the encoder and motor power works but...
@will prestate was a variable from a button press example, I couldn't get the button to communicate without it as holding on to the button for too lon...
@will Correct, the ATMEGA is a standalone (with the proper add-ons to make it function similarly with arduino IDE)
@robotbuilder Sorry this is my first post here, Not sure how to add a schematic without just copy/paste. I'm trying to figure out if there is anything...