Last seen: 2024-12-14 1:36 pm
If you want to probe into the depths of ICs and their working, go for the combo. But i'd say that an oscilloscope is sufficient for doing almost all o...
The oscilloscope choosing process like you say is very time talking and daunting thanks to the sheer number of choices in the market. But it all comes...
Wow! This is a really good idea for the Nano, Pico and more since like you mentioned they do not come with the pin numbers printed on the top (space s...
Thanks a lot for the bed levelling suggestions people! The latest print has come out perfectly. Thanks a lot once again!
@RCC1 I completely agree with your statement regarding the other layers gatteing better since that is what is happening in my case. I am currently re-...
@sbindus09 Thanks a lot for the tips. I am currently checking the bed levelling. I'll check extrusion too. Cheers!
@cfs0012 I just now completed going through the esp32 mail library. You can use what @will has mentioned above since that must work with the code.
Hello @cfso017, If you are trying to send values from a sensor over to your email, you could try integrating with a MQTT server like IFTTT which wil...