I don't know whether you remember but a couple of months ago we were discussing the merits of 433MHz modules. Have you tried these NRF24L04 modules?
I have had a few of them lying around for a couple of months and today I finally got around to setting up a small test with two of them. The reception far surpasses the 433 modules, with a reliable signal through 4 concrete walls. something I wasn't getting with the 433s.
The setup was made without the small stubby antenna, and I am suitably impressed. The only drawback that I have found is that the modules must be suitably orientated where signal attenuation is present.
Haha... I'll look into getting an Avatar... may even make my own in Blender 3D 🙂
Yes, as a concept, I like the idea of checksum (and of course, a lot of code I have posted has no real error checking at all, as it's mostly to show the basics), and would certainly implement important checks in production code.
I have to run (just started a new job and need some shut eye), but I'll have a closer look tomorrow.
BTW... the code I posted with the 2 pots/servos can be increased by the array size to allow for 16 pots, which will take it to the 32 byte limit.