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Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 38
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I have been reading all the threads about the esp32, and the forum seems like a nice place to collaborate

I live off-grid. All of my projects involve that basic constraint. I have enjoyed the run of cheap Chinese electronics. I mostly use my android phone on the forum. I have Raspberry Pi 3b+ and a 12v tv, I use for writing in the Arduino IDE, Python, and flashing routers. Since the release of Raspbian OS, I now can use the same SD card in my RPI4 as my RPI3 b+. I prefer the 3 as it takes 5watts, and can run on a battery brick.

I just discovered Platformio and have been learning to work wireless command line programming of Arduinos with a RPI0W2.

Always looking for a source of SLC SD cards.

I make fuel. Biodiesel, Woodgas, charcoal. 

Always looking for 144v BMS  for LiFePO4, or Li-ion.

Someday, I will put up a tower that lasts. 

DualFuel KE8DCJ

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