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Greetings ! Thanks for the welcome!

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Greetings! Thanks for the welcome!
I'm here because by chance about a year ago I stumbled upon a Youtube video by Bill...
I immediately took his "photograph"! He impressed me, not so much for the in-depth information contained in his videos, but for the clarity, coherence, calm tones, the simplicity of knowing how to explain clearly without neglecting details...
No formulas shown, but all the old school of a wise old man, of a high professional level, was evident.
And then the graphic style, and the audio/video quality.
He surprised and captured me.

Greetings again to all of you from Italy.
I studied electronics and industrial automation in high school, but those were the days of the Z80, ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64...

Since I was a child I have turned on my Ersa soldering iron almost every day (it still works!), I still have fun with discrete components and my passion is CMOS logic, but I only do projects for myself and, every now and then, for a few my friend.

My work is a completely different thing and often, after so many years and so much evolution, I get the doubts of a beginner because I haven't had any direct experience with some circuit's configurations yet and in the meantime I have forgotten many things, and then there are family commitments...

But one thing I never stop doing is looking at the catalogs of the big and historical electronic component manufacturers: the datasheets are increasingly complicated, but there is always something new to discover. Now almost everything is possible, the new ICs, transducers and actuators allow almost everything.
Unfortunately SMD/SMT are no longer very fun to build something for myself and so the moment came when I gave in: microcontrollers and microcomputers have become
really necessary otherwise my PCBs would be as big as an A3 sheet of paper πŸ™‚
And here I am. I bought Arduino last year and Raspberry some days ago: it still smell like a freshly opened box.
Unfortunately I can only speak Italian, English and the dialect of my city πŸ™‚
For them, other languages are necessary, completely unknown to me.

Thanks to those who have the patience to help me solve my stupid dilemmas.

Sincere congratulations to all of you!

Inst-Tech and DaveE reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1714

Hi @mds,

Β  Welcome to the forum. I hope you find things of interest, and assistance if you need it. Clearly the world has changed somewhat from the days of 'simple' CMOS logic and Z80s, but many of the principles are unchanged, and some of the old parts dating back to 50 years ago, are still in production!

Clearly, there are many modules now available, which can simply be connected with push fit wires, but you may also wish to consider continuing with soldering circuits, albeit perhaps supplementing your trusty Ersa with some basic surface mount soldering capability. I am not suggesting this is a necessity, but depending upon your aspirations, it may give you some flexbility, and your experience in soldering will be a great starting point!

Best wishes and please share any projects, etc., in appropriate sections of the forum, Dave

Inst-Tech reacted
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 554

Welcome @mds,

Indeed it looks like we're in the same boat with theΒ  language problem as I only speak English, but I'm a 3rd generation Sicilian, an 4th generation Irish! 😆Β 

But all kidding aside, your certainly in the right place for getting help or sharing your projects. There are a wide variety of folks on here with skill sets from basic novice to professional in the arts of electronics, software & hardware design and implementation.

Most are just hobbyist now, like myself, although my background is in electronics and industrial process control & automation. I'm retired now, so I have more time to play with my mpc's and related hardware, but programming is what I'm most interested in, learning C++, Java, HTML,CSS, and Python. I hope you find this forum useful to you, and by all means, share your projects and thoughts in the appropriate sections of the forum.

kind regards,


