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News from RoboPi's Sister

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Prayer sent. Best wishes for a complete recovery.

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So good to hear from you buddy.  You have been in our thoughts and prayers.  Just the mere fact that you were able to post your reply is poetry to my ears! 😀 


Robo Pi
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I had a big interview at the Cancer Center today.  Currently I do have cancer after all, a form of lung cancer and bone marrow cancer.    They will be starting me on 8 months of treatment so I'll be in this healthcare center for at least the next 8 months undergoing cancer therapy including chemotherapy.  And various forms of radiation treatments.

So I won't be going home to my little cottage in the Woods anytime soon. ❤️ 

DroneBot Workshop Robotics Engineer

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Not so glad you aren't getting to go back to your little cottage in the woods for awhile, but glad you at least have a diagnosis and a plan of actions to take care of it.

Best wishes and prayers my friend!


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@robo-pi  James. I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but it sounds like you are in the right place with people who can help treat you.

Sending you best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.


"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak

Photo Bud
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Hang in there @robo-pi. We've got your back with good vibrations and prayers!

Photo Bud (aka John)
The Old Curmudgeon!

Robo Pi
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The doctors sound pretty optimistic about what is possible.   They keep telling me that it's not like it was back in the 50s and the things have radically move forward, and they actually talking about a potential complete cure here so they are certainly optimistic about it. 😊 

DroneBot Workshop Robotics Engineer

Robo Pi
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Posted by: @dronebot-workshop

@robo-pi  James. I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but it sounds like you are in the right place with people who can help treat you.

It's wonderful Bill.  I am surrounded by the most caring and careful doctors and nurses you could ever hope to be surrounded by.  I don't know how I fell into such good luck.   Technically I should have a PHD by now but because of the way that things worked out I don't have a degree at all not even a BS.  Nor did I do very well in the financial spectrum of the corporate markets I simply wasn't interested in money like some kind of an idiot.  Nonetheless, things worked out, it appears they are going to do all these miraculous operations on me and take very good care of me so I consider myself to be a very lucky individual to be sure.   I don't think I could ask for a better nursing home and cancer center.

DroneBot Workshop Robotics Engineer

codecage, Sid, YurkshireLad and 1 people reacted
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Forum friends, I have some very bad news, as Jim died suddenly, in his sleep this past week, even though the chemotherapy was said to be going well.  I am very sad, and I still have automatic reflexes of wanting to call him to talk to him.  I think I will have those feelings for a long time, because he was my go-to person to talk to about things, good and bad.  He was very hopeful that the treatment would work, and it is so very sad that his life had to end so soon, but it is also good that he had had pain medication that worked for the last couple of months of his life and that he apparently had a peaceful death.  He did so many things and had so many interests, but building a robot was one goal that he focused on the most,...although he never accomplished it.  He did experience a lot of pleasure working on that goal, though, and as some people will point out, it's the journey that counts, even more than the destination.

Thank you all for your online friendship with Jim/ "Robot Pi."


Duce robot reacted
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May I offer my condolences for your sad loss and indeed a sad loss for all of us at the forum. Jim was here from the start and gave so much to the forum over his time here.  He was also our resident poet.  Yes it is the journey that counts and I believe he journeyed well.

All the Best


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Please accept my condolences for your loss. He left peacefully and I hope he wasn't in too much pain and could spend time with his family around him.

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Thank you, John.  I appreciate your kind wishes.


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@yurkshirelad, thank you.  Since this was sudden, and no one was aware that he was going to die, he did not have family around him.  Until this happened, he and I were in close contact by telephone, but he was residing in a nursing/rehabilitation facility while he was receiving treatment, and no visits were permitted, due to Covid 19 restrictions.  He did not mind that and said that he was fine being alone, since he enjoyed his solitude (and had a private room for that reason).  He and I always maintained close contact and talked about many things, through telephone contacts and some Skype video calls.  I hope and believe he died in peace, but I was told it must have happened very quickly, because he had been talking to the staff at the facility less than an hour before he was found unresponsive and was shortly afterwards determined to have passed on.  It appeared that he had fallen asleep.  Although I wish he were still alive, I think we all would wish for that quick a death.  His pain had been under control through medications for two months, so that was also a blessing.

I appreciate your thoughts and condolences,


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I think I speak for all of our members in extending my condolences for your loss.

James was a valued member of our community and many of us, myself included, thought of him as a good friend. His ability to come up with a poem to match any occasion made him one of the most loved members of the forum, and his intelligence and wit will certainly be missed.

Rest in peace Robo-Pi, the forum won't be the same without you.

"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak

codecage and MadMisha reacted
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My heart goes out to you and all who loved him.  Although we never met, I consider him a dear friend and will miss him daily.

Rest in peace my dear friend!


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