I know we have all been concerned about RoboPi's health, and I have received an update from his sister Marilyn:
I am RobPi's sister, Marilyn. I just wanted to explain that my brother, Jim (RoboPi), went to the hospital 3 times before they discovered (via a CT scan) that he not only had pneumonia, but another "mass" on his left lung, and now they strongly suspect some sort of bone Cancer, as well. Jim is in a lot of pain, as he has already described on the forum, but it is also getting worse. He is on very strong pain medication and was admitted to a healthcare/rehabilitation center (nursing home) to await more tests and to undergo some physical therapy. He really cannot manage living alone right now, and I live in another state, 500 miles away. We talked about his coming to live with me, but so far, he does not want to travel this far. He had a bone marrow biopsy removed last week, but the results will not be in for 2 to 6 weeks.
We are devastated by this news. The prognosis does not look very hopeful, but the doctors really need to tell us more. I want to have hope that there will be a treatment that can help him get back to some sort of life. They do not want to speculate about recommendations until the biopsy results are in, which is unacceptable, as far as I am concerned. We need temporary recommendations. I am trying my best to advocate for Jim, because he is in no shape to advocate for himself now. If he felt better, I am sure he would tell you about everything himself. I told him I would be communicating to the forum about his status.
Also, he has now had about 10 Covid tests, all of which were negative, and he has now had his first Covid vaccination.
Thank you for your forum. He has clearly enjoyed the camaraderie and mental stimulation that is has provided to him.
I'm sure you'll all want to join me in sending best wishes to James, Marilyn, and the rest of RoboPi's family at this difficult time.
"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak
Such news and the seemingly never-ending wait situation! I can very well understand what the family is going through at the moment. My prayers and wishes for your well being @robo-pi.
They do not want to speculate about recommendations until the biopsy results are in, which is unacceptable, as far as I am concerned.
Though my suggestion might not seem good enough, but still think about it - You and family do need to be strong enough in these asking times. I know, it is easy to say being an outsider, but trust me, patience and mental strength will not help you all, but when you are calm, your prayers too would work better (apart from the medical fact that stress only adds to complications). Stay strong @Marilyn.
Life is exploring and learning
Sad to hear such a terrible thing, and best wishes to James and his family. Hopefully the results will come back with a positive outlook towards recovery.
This is horrible news, best wishes to his family.
Thank you all for the well-wishes, prayers, and positive thoughts for James, @robo-pi. I finally figured out where the "reply" button is, so I will try to keep you up-to-date on James' status. Even though he is into technology, he does not have a very good phone right now, so I am trying to buy him one and send it, along with a headset, because it's difficult for him to hold the little old Tracfone he has right now. It was just an emergency phone, since he was usually at home and without much signal there.
I really think that it will help his spirits to hear about your comments.
[By the way, I study French, and I keep wanting to type robot-pi, because the "t" in "robot" is not pronounced in French. So, if I do that, you have an explanation. Lol.]
I guess I should have addressed the above post to @dronebot-workshop, @codecage, @sid, @frogandtoad, and @yurkshirelad
Hello fellow engineers, I'm been reading the forums I can't type much. I'm using speech recognition to type my sentences in the windows speech recognition and it’s working pretty well, way better than typing
I've been reading posts on the forums I see you guys are doing a lot of different things with very interesting stuff from a lot of different cards you're using. Sounds very interesting. I can't comment on them because I'm not in position to do that right now I’m trying to learn how to make posts using speech recognition then I have to go back and edit it so it,s far from perfect,
I'm still dodging bullets on cancer experiments things are looking good they,re starting on some radiation therapy pretty soon
DroneBot Workshop Robotics Engineer
get well soon dear Robo
as a Roboteer you shine
and also I have to say
your verse does outshine mine
So good to hear from you James, we really have missed you here. Wishing you all the best for a quick and speedy recovery.
"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak
@baybeari - I'm assuming you are the sister that finally convinced him to go to the hospital back in December? Glad you did, if so. Hopefully he can fight this thing that otherwise would not have gone well for him! Thank you!
@robo-pi - Sending you prayers and good vibrations. Just never give up. Twenty six years I've been fighting cancer that should have done me in 10-15 years ago.
Photo Bud (aka John)
The Old Curmudgeon!
@robo-pi - Sending you prayers and good vibrations. Just never give up. Twenty six years I've been fighting cancer that should have done me in 10-15 years ago.
Thanks photo-bud my biopsy hasn't actually come back yet so it still could be benign don't know yet for sure. I'll still need radiation treatment even if it's benign to remove pressure from the spinal cord.
DroneBot Workshop Robotics Engineer