This is something I'm struggling to do, and I haven't found any good resources on it. I have the ArduCam, and I'd be willing to send you one to experiment with if you don't have it.
My end-goal is a real video stream between two arduinos, Namely the one controlling my car, and the one inside my controller with a 0.96 RGB OLED.
All your content is so good, thanks for making it!
Fortune Favors the Bold
@noweare Yep! I also just got an MU vision sensor, but I figure for a general tutorial on the concept, an Arducam would do fine.
Fortune Favors the Bold
Have you tried the examples sketches found here on the ArduCam site ?
Yes, they seem to be fine and all, but the streaming examples are all to their Host app you load up on your PC. I opened an issue about how to do things like sending from one Arduino to Another and they replied that it "wasn't in their examples" so apparently it wasn't their problem lol. I finally am really rocking with the RF library you suggested in the other thread, but before I try the picture I'm going to try joystick controls (like in another of Bill's videos), just so I get a feel for wireless data transmission.
Fortune Favors the Bold