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Soldering Iron

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As I am a bit limited with working space, I was considering buying a 5V USB powered soldering iron for quickie jobs.

Can anybody recommend a good one, not necessarily from China but available at some online store?

They probably all come from Shenzhen anyway!

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Can't say that I've used a USB soldering iron, but one tool that I've grown to love is my Weller Butane powered portable iron.  Heats up instantly and you can adjust the temperature.  And, of course, it's cordless!



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Altoidian reacted
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Thanks, I'll take a look at it!

Oh, and while I have your attention, which software package do use to make the graphics demos for your YouTube videos?

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83 bucks plus shipping from the States to Europe, would probably be quite expensive.

I hadn't thought about a gas soldering system, but it seems that Dremel sells a gas-powered system for about €35, and Dremel does have a reasonably good reputation. Might well be adequate for my needs.

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Haven't seen the Dremel one but I suspect it's good quality. Years ago I had one that was made by Radio Shack of all people, and it was actually very nice as well.

If I had a dollar for every time I was asked about the graphics software I'd be pretty rich by now!  I just use Keynote to make those, in fact, I'm making one right now for the next video.



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wintech reacted
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Here is the Dremel, It is in German but the pictures are in English ? , in fact, it is only €27. 

Keynote ???

I thought you didn't like MacOS!!

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Posted by: @pugwash

Keynote ???

I thought you didn't like MacOS!!

That's true, but I still own three Macs - up until yesterday my most recent computer purchase was a Mac (I bought a Chromebook on Amazon Prime Day last night).

I also prefer driving a luxury sedan over a pickup truck. But if I need to haul a pile of lumber I need the pickup.  You use the right tool for the job, even if it isn't your favorite.

Same with the Mac - I'd certainly never use it as my main computer, but there are three software applications (Keynote, Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro) that I can't work without.

I'm not fond of Apple's overpriced and underpowered hardware, the horrible non-standard keyboard and the OSX "shell" that they put on top of UNIX, but they certainly do make brilliant software.

BTW, I also occasionally even use Microsoft Windows!  Same reason - there is a lot of software that only runs on Windows, although it's probably been a few months since I used one of my Windows computers.

Much as I love LINUX you can't do everything with it!



P.S - For the record, my very favorite computer of all time was the Apple II. I LOVED that machine and learned more about computers from it than anything else I've ever owned. So I am by no means "anti-Apple"!

"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak

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The link I sent you looks like a copycat version, I found the Dremel Original for 35€ as I originally said. It looks like they using the name Dremel as everybody uses Hoover for vacuum cleaners.

If I buy one, I will write a short review for the forum.

I also found a Weller for €38.

One more question about the Keynote, where did you find the vector graphics or are you making your own?

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@pugwash ,in my opinion you can check your local electronics shop,by exemple I have bought a soldering station from my local shop and I've paid 60RON(15euro).Even tho is an Chinese station,it does his job

IMG 9977

and I have used it for 6 months.

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I've already have a mains powered soldering iron, I am looking for a mains independent solution.

I might just buy both if I am feeling extravagant ? 

€34 for the Dremel and about €5 - €8 for the Shenzhen USB 5V 8W, for that sort of money you can throw away the USB iron when the tip is no longer serviceable.

If I go down to my local electronics store and see something I like, I just turn the box over and check where it was made, go home order it from China (free shipping) and wait for the slow boat to arrive.

wintech reacted
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Well I didn't know that exists an DC powered soldering iron,until now ? .

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Just search eBay for  "USB 5V soldering iron", there are dozens of them!

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One thing that puzzles me - a USB soldering iron wouldn't be any less "portable" than a regular one because you still need to power it up externally. You could probably use a USB power bank I suppose, but you'd still need to pack it (or a USB adapter) with you.

The thing I liked about the butane iron is that it is truly portable, the "instant heat" aspect is also great. I used it a few months ago to fix an audio switching box I built many years ago that is mounted on the wall of my office.  I appreciated not having to disconnect everything, unmount it and bring it into the workshop just to replace one switch. And the box isn't mounted near a power outlet either, so I would have needed to run an extension cord to power up a regular iron.

Just a thought - as I said earlier, I've never used a USB soldering iron. Perhaps I'm missing out?


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I didn't say that the USB doesn't have its limitations, but I was thinking about a power pack. I have got at least one 20000mAH, which I guess would provide enough current for about 15 minutes. Long enough to do a quick repair.

Obviously not a useful weapon for a long soldering session.

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Chinese 5W portable soldering irons may be vastly more powerful than we originally thought, judging by the following picture found on eBay.

I don't want to accuse our Chinese friends of gross exaggeration, but some might find the picture below as a teeny weeny bit misleading! ? ? 

s l225

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