Last seen: 2023-08-21 8:40 am
Almost, if the joystick is held forward it should only run from 0-880 once, and the display can reset to zero while still forward, I just didnt want i...
Thanks Will! The prop I am creating is a remote control from Back to the Future, photo above. Sorry for the confusion (underneath etc) your interp...
Thanks Will you have put alot of time and effort into this, thank you its appreciated. I will run those commands this week to see how they go and to...
This worked as a workaround v void loop() { // analogRead(sensor_Value); // Serial.println(sensor_Value); seven_segment(0); touchVa...
Hi All, I have made some great progress with my code, and have it on the bench now (please see here for video), I have played the audio from the sce...
@will Is it possible to edit my original post to clean up the URL etc?
@will thank you for the correction, my poor choice or words. it should as u say be on RHS as shown by the original, but my counter does not progress...
Great to meet you Robert!