Looking forward to learning about these newfangled gadgets after taking a 50+ year break from tinkering with basic electronics projects in high school. Electronics 101 was tough for me, and my brain isn't getting any faster, so it's good to know you folks are out there when I need something broken down for me. Thanks in advance! Ok, I'm off to figure out where and how to post questions about my first project , cause the stuff hasn't even arrived yet, but I already have questions. Catch ya later.
Welcome billinfl.. I see your on the Gulf-coast..so were probably fairly close..I'm in Mobile Al.,
Indeed, We're all here for the same reasons, .. to learn, and share what we've learned with other like minded folk. I'm retired, for 10 years now, but worked as an Industrial Instrumentation/Electrical tech for 30 year, mostly in a paper mill. I learned electronics in the US Navy back in the mid 1960's, and was a Weapons system tech..(FT) Fire Control, and worked with D.A.S.H. ( Drone Anti-Submarine Helicopter) and ASROC systems.. I think you'll find many on here that have a variety of skill sets and knowledge, so don't stress out as there are many noobies as well.....Just remember, we all started out that way!..lol
Have fun, and be safe..
Welcome and just remember, nothing that comes easy is worth much. I know how to make a bunch of long hollows surrounded by steel into one big hollow surrounded by steel. I too took electronics many years ago. (Back when everyone was drooling over a Tandy 8K at the local Radio Shack). Other than resistors and transistors, pots and capacitors, not much is the same! Meaning it's way easier to build, and way more frustrating to get to work LOL! But when you figure it out, take some example code, and build your own thing?!?! Almost feels better than a Highway rest stop with a full bladder.