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Debugging - esp32-prog Built-in JTAG for Some boards!

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Being new to programming microcontrollers, I figured debugging would be similar to what it is in Microsoft Visual Studio where I could set breakpoints and watch windows on different variables...HA!  I was very disappointed to learn on microcontrollers, you often need a piece of HARDWARE like an esp-32 prog board or other JTAG device.  When I discovered this and contemplating whether or not to continue even trying to debug my code, a great person on the platformIO website pointed out to me that the newer esp-32 controllers, specifically the esp32-C3 and -S3 have built-in JTAG capability.  My board is a WEMOS lolin esp32-C3 pico and sure as heck, it has it built in.  Now, this is only on platformIO and a couple of other IDEs.  I also learned the hard way, to get it to work, you need to update the driver on the JTAG Serial device in Windows Device Manager.  See this post:

Anyway, if this helps anybody...I'd like to pay it forward.  If you have specific questions, I'd be glad to help if I can.



DaveE and Inq reacted