Last seen: 2024-03-02 1:26 am
Hey @davee. Thanks for the reply! I probably ask some dumb questions - but I am trying to learn. I'll explain what I am trying to do. My appl...
@zander very interesting. I didn't know there were operating "modes". Are the modes configured in software (I know esp32 uses something called TinyU...
@zander no always give good advice!
@zander - that is quite possible. The diagram I show from the book above is really just to confirm the circuit from the link above is consistent with...
Hey all - thanks for all of the help! I am an engineer - but not electrical. I am just interested in MCUs as a hobby and trying to learn. At any ra...
@zander I have seen this same basic circuit used on other dev boards. Here is an AdaFruit Feather S2. You can see the mosfet on the top and the volt...
@hilldweller I really love that watchy display. What library(s) are available for that? To be honest, battery life was one of the main drivers in my...
@hilldweller That is super cool! I'll have to check it out. I am currently working a project where I am trying to build one from scratch :/p> Keep...
@zander so here is what I found: the configTime(); calls sntp_init(); which keeps updating the esp32s time at certain intervals (I believe defaul...
The ESP32Time library uses the esp32 internal time. The strange thing is, it does update the time correctly, but only after a 2-3 second delay. Duri...