You mentioned on the first Xiao video that there would be more on that subject and I endorse that idea.
I also have interest on building remote sensors for example, I'd like to have battery voltage, temperature and humidity monitored in my RV in the backyard. It would be multiple sensors in multiple locations within the RV and somehow I'd be able to read it as a webpage or some other way inside my house. The RV has 100w solar charger to keep the flooded cell 12v batteries charged, but the present battery monitor uses Bluetooth to a phone connection which means you need to be close to the RV. I'm figuring I could steal enough power for the RV to run a complete RV monitor and use WiFi or similar.
If your code won't compile, have another glass of bourbon. Eventual the problem will be solved.
You mentioned on the first Xiao video that there would be more on that subject and I endorse that idea.
There will most definitely be more Seeeduino XIAO episodes, especially as I just purchased a bunch more of them!
Your project actually sounds a lot like one I want to build, for a similar reason. I bought a car in December, only to have to park it at the end of February due to the pandemic. Didn't even bother to have the tires changed in the Spring as there was no point, I have nowhere to drive it to! 2020 is the first year that I haven't had to visit a gas station, I still have 3/4 of a tank and it was over a year ago that I filled up!
Every now and then I go out to start it and run it, just to keep the battery alive. A few times I forgot for over a month, and the battery was dead. I bought one of those booster boxes to bring it back to life, which I've had to do more than once (including last week).
So I want to build a device to monitor the battery voltage and to let me know when I should go out and run the engine for a while. I'm parked close enough to the house to use the WiFi, especially as I put in an outdoor WiFi antenna for my Ring doorbell, so I get a really good signal.
However, I'm more inclined to use an ESP-32 for this, as it has built-in WiFi whereas the XIAO does not.
But I do have a number of ideas for the XIAO, so there will certainly be more on that. As well as the Adafruit QT-Py, which is very similar.
"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak