Will DB2 fly?
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Will DB2 fly?

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Hey all,

Sorry for going AWOL on the ROS project and from the forum.

I live in the Driftless area of Wisconsin. It is incredibly beautiful. But, we sometimes have problems with flooding. In general, if left to nature the flooding is manageable.  The streams grow thick protective banks of grasses and trees with thick roots. The low area form wetland which hold and release the water after a rain.

The challenge comes when us pesky humans develop the land. Draining a wetland make a great place for a new field or subdivision. Clearing out a space on a hillside makes a spectacular view for a high-end home. The results of such development can result in unexpected and often catastrophic flooding. We have had a couple of bad years for flooding lately.

So, for the past couple of months, I have been working on a project to use remote control airplanes with pan an tilt cameras and high bandwidth radio connections to monitor and record the evolution of our streams. The last couple of moths have been a crash course in small scale aircraft to carry the cameras and amateur radio to send the video streams back to a competent observer.

It is currently really cost and labor-intensive to have trained hydrologists try to monitor our thousands of miles of stream. It seems like a perfect fit for a semi-autonomous drone with some onboard computer vision. Then, the hydrologist can sit in her truck somewhere in the coolee and monitor the video stream from the drone.

Parts for DB1 have been trickling in from china. Looking forward to getting back to DB1 again almost all of the concepts I have been learning on DB1 apply to the plane.

I hope the weather is getting better up in Canada. I am really looking forward to more videos from the workshop. They consistently inspire me to reach out of my comfort zone and learn new thing about electronics and robots.


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Posted by: @twobits


I'll never understand why humans insist on reverse engineering crashed UFO's

I mean, they crashed

How good can they be ?

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I could come up with some reasons:

  1. Learn from the mistakes of others
  2. Find out how to crash
  3. UFO!! 😉


edit: oops, didn’t check the date of the thread. Was interested in the title and never checked the age of the post ? 

This post was modified 5 years ago by ricknl

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Interesting question, as I already have a vision (for lack of a better word) as to what both DB2 and DB3 will do. 

Probably no point in going into too much detail until we actually get DB1 built, but essentially here is the answer:

Q - Will DB2 fly?

A -  No. But DB3 will have that capability as an option.

But let's get DB1 built first!



"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak

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You will obviously need an anti-gravity unit for DB3 and there is only one that I know of.

Strap four pieces of buttered toast with jam (jam side up) to the feet of a cat!

This works on two well known and fundamental physical rules:

  1. A cat never lands on its back!
  2. And toast always lands on the floor with the jam side down!

? ? ? ? ? 

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Go ahead and respond to old posts. We'll work on a problem for months

Sometimes we end up using a workaround, but we still want to know the answer to the original question, and since new people sign up all the time, you never know when somebody has that one little tidbit that we were missing

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Forum still works ? 

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In 1989 Bob Lazar claimed that the US govt had a crashed UFO, well, 3 of them, and he said that they used element 115 as a fuel. Our periodic chart of elements only went up to 114 at the time

Recently, boffins (I think that's the word Brits use for "scientists") have discovered a new element, obviously, 115, which, they claim, has anti-grav properties

The funniest part of that story is what they named it... "Ununpentium"

Then the govt claimed that they're not UFO's, they're ours. It's just technology that we haven't released to the public

Which then begs the question : If they're ours, why did you need somebody to reverse engineer them ?

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Posted by: @spyder

Go ahead and respond to old posts. We'll work on a problem for months

My post was not that helpful 3 months later, as it was neither an answer nor a request for an answer. Fortunately, Bill did have an answer.

I'm going back to soldering now... I really want to get everything of my car repaired and fixed today, so I can start working on it making it drive itself around the room.

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Now if only I could say the same for the website!

The switch to PHP 7.3 has caused me a lot of grief on the main site, the forum was fine. So although I put the site back "on the air" yesterday it isn't really finished yet. I cloned it, so I'll experiment with the clone and then apply the changes to the production site afterward.

Posted by: @spyder

Go ahead and respond to old posts. We'll work on a problem for months

Old posts never die! And besides, I had a long period of absence from the forum in October and November. So I have a lot to catch up on.

"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak

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"Ununpentium" Latin one, one five"

Just looked that up

  1. Has no practical use.
  2. Created in Sweden.
  3. A half-life of 173 milliseconds.

Considering (3), could be useful for an Arduino. ? 

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Posted by: @spyder
Posted by: @twobits


I'll never understand why humans insist on reverse engineering crashed UFO's

I mean, they crashed

How good can they be ?

There is a simple explanation. The aliens flew thousands of light-years across the galaxy looking for a place to crash land and still stay alive to claim the insurance money! ? ? ? 

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Posted by: @pugwash

Ununpentium" Latin one, one five

Interesting. I thought that name was a joke

Check the ufo pages instead of the official docs to see the cool stuff

As an aside... we've all seen ufos. 

Think about the name and look up in the sky

It's  flying, and you don't know what it is, so, that automatically makes anything that flies that you cant identify, a ufo

As another aside, the chances of space aliens landing on the white house lawn and officially announcing themselves is 50/50... either they will or they won't 

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Posted by: @pugwash

The aliens flew thousands of light-years across the galaxy looking for a place to crash land and still stay alive to claim the insurance money! ? ? ? 

You would think space aliens would have better things to do than insurance fraud

Can you imagine the monthly payments for the 2nd death star ?

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