Last seen: 2025-01-01 4:46 pm
Hello from Ottawa, ON! Welcome to the forums.
Which dashcam do you have?
I haven't tried it and may never get round to it, but that looks cool.
Thanks @davee.
There's no signal at the speakers nor out of the op amp that drives them, as far as I can tell. It's been a while since I did anything with electronic...
I had to lookup Smart Panlee, I've never heard of them.
Now, now @zander, there are obviously more ESP-32s than the ones you have. A simple search gave me: That looks like a nice piece of kit; I'd love...
Hi @sticks, I wanted to pass on my condolences for the loss of your wife. I can’t imagine how hard it must be for you. I hope you can find peace with ...
Leave the topic for someone else in case they hit the same problem.
Yeah, I was hoping that this discussion and research would help find the answer. Sadly, I was wrong! Sorry. There is so much I have to learn.
You might be better off using FreeRTOS instead, as it supports inter process communications.
I believe using esp_intr_alloc(). I find the documentation is confusing and contradictory, but perhaps I don't understand it: High-priority interr...
I'm not sure if the interrupt doesn't happen until the critical section is exited, or if the interrupt happens, but its handler is blocked from enteri...