Last seen: 2023-08-24 2:48 pm
@quince You're using a more recent/different version of the library. The 'compass' variable/object needs to be of type: QMC5883LCompass and curr...
There are many variants for QMC5883. The most popular seems to be QMC5883LCompass However, it's include file, QMC5883LCompass.h, isn't what your u...
Also, when you verify the script it shows which ones it's found. You could compare those that work with the ones that don't. Here a (reformatted) sa...
What were the libraries, or the code, and I'll see if I can reproduce the problem
@codecage Thank you very much, that confirms what I subsequently found too.
I think its an nRF24L01 Breakout Adapter with Voltage Regulator
It's working 😀 Common ground seems to have fixed the issue. A big thank you to all the support, and humour, you've given in resolving this issue....
@byron Brilliant 😂
@will @byron in the video Bill says that the boards he is using have dedicated SCL and SDA pins. With other boards we should use A4 and A5
@will thank you for your suggestion. I can't try just now, sorry. The wiring in the video and the online article do not have a common ground between t...
This is from a purely logical stand point ... I suspect that it will work with any even number of 'sections' because the pin state is always in the sa...