Last seen: 2020-03-06 1:58 pm
I know I can't transfer from one device to another. I skipped the step of the Arduino in the middle. It should be like this:
A great tutorial, but still missing the last part. They use the Arduino as a remote. Thats not what I want. I hope I can picture it.
@ve1dx I think the first part isn't that hard to fix, getting the codes from my remote. I think the second part is. To get the codes on another IR rem...
That would be great @pakabol. Can't you make a video tutorial about it? ?
The IR Remote I use now, I don't have to point it at the door, to get it open. I can point it to my tv, in the orther corner of my room, to open the d...
Yes, the one I use now, is often defect. It would be just cool, if I can create my own remote, with just a few functions in it. It would be nice if I ...
It's hard for me to explain that in English. I can give you a link of the remote I use now, but it's written in dutch. The website: A document:
No, I haven't an Arduino or Raspberry Pi. First I want to know if its possible what I want, before buying these things.
Thank for your reply. Unfortunility I can't open your file. I don't recognize the extion, .ino. What is it? So, I can take any IR remote from, let's s...