My Name is DeSmidt Engelbrecht, probably from Dutch or German decent but speak neither LOL!! 🤣
My nickname is Smiddie though, I am from Namibia in Southern Africa, Home language is "Afrikaans"
I have a vast electrical and some industrial electronic back ground, although electronics, RC, radio etc. as a hobby has always been a great interest.
I have NEVER tried or tinkered with any micro computers let alone code, but even if this is going to be a steep learning curve, I am going to start doing now. and that is exactly why I joined this forum and have been watching this YouTube channel for a few months.
I have so many ideas mainly for securing the farm I live on using micro computers etc. But have no idea if it will even be possible???
But more on that later.
Glad to be part of this family now.
My Name is DeSmidt Engelbrecht, probably from Dutch or German decent but speak neither LOL!! 🤣
My nickname is Smiddie though, I am from Namibia in Southern Africa, Home language is "Afrikaans"
I have a vast electrical and some industrial electronic back ground, although electronics, RC, radio etc. as a hobby has always been a great interest.
I have NEVER tried or tinkered with any micro computers let alone code, but even if this is going to be a steep learning curve, I am going to start doing now. and that is exactly why I joined this forum and have been watching this YouTube channel for a few months.
I have so many ideas mainly for securing the farm I live on using micro computers etc. But have no idea if it will even be possible???
But more on that later.
Glad to be part of this family now.
@smiddie , Welcome to the forum! Indeed, the learning curve is steep for some people, but as with everything, time and some patients will get you to your goals. There are many on here with a variety of skills and knowledge, so you can be sure you'll get help in one form or another. As for projects in a rural area, yes, that is possible with many MPU ( micro processors units) such as Arduino, RasPi, EspressIf, and many others..Learning how to code will be the challenge, but with your knowledge of electronics, you should be just fine. looking forward to seeing what projects you come up with...
kind regards,