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Hello from Italy

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My name is Manuel. I'm a novice in electronics, I'm very passionate about it.

DaveE and Inst-Tech reacted
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 554

Welcome to the forum @man77 !

Don't worry too much about being a novice.. we all started out that way..hehehe

I'm still learning electronics after almost 46 years of working in industrial electrical/Instrumentation plus 4 years in the US Navy as an electronics tech. EWS (electronic warfare systems), D.A.S.H ( Drone Anti-Submarine Helicopters).. yes, we had drone helicopters back in 1965!..  lol,


but phased them out in 1967 for ASROC (Anti-Submarine Rockets), a kind of rocket torpedo..


After retirement in 2014..I went back to my ol' wood working hobby, but the age and eyesight kind of made it difficult to use those power tools.. so a couple years ago I decided to start back into my first love, electronics! The new breed of micro controllers and processors are remarkable in what you can achieve with a little imagination and some programming skills..

Let us know what your interested in, project wise, .. looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

kind regards,




Man77 reacted
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@inst-tech Congrats on your great hobby of electronics and your past in the US Navy. For the moment I would really like to be able to repair electronic boards of any kind, because I think it's a shame to have to throw away, for example, a household appliance, computer, smartphone due to a short circuit due to some capacitor, resistor, etc. (as usually happens, seeing many videos of repairs on youtube) But I'm a beginner, it will take time before I can learn, but I'm putting all my effort into theory, and a little into practice...

Best regards


This post was modified 5 months ago by Man77

Inst-Tech reacted
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 554

@man77 . Well good... that's a great start by learning the theory first..and then putting it into practice.. There are plenty of resources out there to aid you in that endeavor, and I might suggest a free software package, that is on line, called  "Circuit Simulator Applet" Link:

where you can simulate simple designs to see how they work, read voltages, current, and even an oscilloscope trending function to see frequency, time base, and duty cycle..Indeed, It will take time to learn all this stuff, and don't let anyone tell you it's easy, because it's not.. but it's a thrill to learn something that is so removed from most common place things. Your math skills will be challenged, but it's only a little algebra and trig. ... 🙂

If you have questions, there are many on here that can help you.. good luck, and have fun!



