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Hello from Alaska. I'm a major DBWS groupie.

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Joined: 4 years ago
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I'm Jeff from Alaska. I have no formal electronics training, but enjoy building things with microcontrollers. Once I found the Dronebotworkshop, learning these topics became a lot easier. I mostly watch while riding my indoor bike trainer. I'm currently working on getting the local hospital to sponsor a contest with the schools to construct robotic hand sanitizer dispensers. The purpose is to call attention to hand hygiene and to get the kids motivated to learn robotics/programming. I will need to keep up with them, so I watch a lot. Thanks for letting me participate, and for providing such high-quality content.

Workshop Guru Admin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1086

Hi Jeff, welcome to the forum!

A "groupie" - wow! I thought only rock stars got those!


The robotic hand sanitized dispenser sounds like a great project to get kids motivated. If you have any pictures or videos of it in action you should share it with us.

And biking while watching YouTube is a great way of multitasking - I watch YouTube while using my treadmill every morning!

Looking forward to future posts from you.



"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak
