Last seen: 2022-09-13 11:59 am
@zander Thanks a lot for all the help extended. if not for your quick responses, I would have really given up on this. I still have hope. let me try w...
@zander yes. I am able to record data with one sensor.
@zander No luck with nano on 3.3V and Mux on 5V. Nano is failing to detect 0x70. I didn't know about nano 33 before I invested in nano rp2040.
@zander I want to work with data using ML and cloud computing. To avoid additional hardware interfaces, I chose this as it gets easy to export data on...
@zander thanks for correcting. I think 0X60 and 0x6a are adresses of inbuilt sensors of nano rp 2040. One for accelerometer and another gyroscope.
@zander sorry for spamming. Will take care.
I tried using SoftI2CMaster fromExample code gives me this error. C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\arduino-builder -dump-prefs -logger=machine -hardw...
@zander here are the pics. there are 3 pics. One with no mux connection(sensors connected directly to nano RP 2040 ), sensors connected to nano thro...
@zander , Orange blink is SOS. Continous Orange - no clue. Following this for I2C./p> My strong hitch is we need to handle I2C of Nano 2040 diffe...
Also i tried connecting only MUX without any sensor attached to see if I2C address of Mux (0x70) gets recognised. but as soon as i connect sda ns scl ...
Dear @zander, The code looks different because of the sensor. I have followed the same code. I am able to read both sensor data through MUX if I am co...
@zander no. Its not. I have connected the nano to laptop for power. I can measure 5V across nano, mux as well as sensor. If i connect Uno instead of n...
@zander Thanks a lot for the reply. I have included the bus selection method before setup(). also, I am switching between bus0 and 1.
Here is an update. I am using PCA9548A multiplexer. SDA of MUX is connected to A4, SCL is connected to A5 of Nano rp2040. PIN A0, A1, A2 of MUX are gr...
@zander yes