Last seen: 2023-12-15 2:56 pm
I was using Arduino IDE version 1,18.10 for i year. Two days ago I cannot get the program to start. It starts up and shows initiation packages and tha...
@byron I had my switching program almost working using the remote control using nrf24. Suddenly, my arduino ide did not work any more. When I st...
@byron Thanks for your answer. The stop will not be called before the motor is up to speed. The speed will be set to a low value. Switching loco do ...
I am trying to use part of controlling dc motors with L298N and arduino for my switching locomotive To increase speed I use the for (i=0;i<256;i...
@spyder Spyder, I looked at the video and it seems that it is possible to send Arrays back and forth over the nR24's, which means I would be able to ...
Thanks, I will look at the video, it might solve my problem and avoid a lot of wiring of sensors or reed relays
@spyder Thanks for your answer. What I was wondering was; are the 2nRF24's that I use to communicate between the mega and the nano capable of sending ...
I have the following question. I run an arduino mega as a remote, and a arduino nano as a receiver in one of my locomotives. Communication is by 2nRF2...
@robo-pi I use Airwire batteries, It depends of the type of loco and the number of motors to use a 14,8 or 18 v battery. It looked that your loco's wi...
@robo-pi I have my trains on two commercial systems for battery and remote control. One system is the Airwire 9000 system, others are on the Crest sys...
@robo-pi It is always worth a try. Making the ties is not that difficult just cut wood in small strips and cut those in the length you need use spikes...
@robo-pi No, do not have to use metal at all. However, making rails from wood for a garden railroad introduces new problems. Wood is rotting over time...
@robo-pi I have a garden railroad with about 700 feet of track. I started with stainless steel track, but that has become very expensive. I changed to...