Last seen: 2020-03-20 11:31 pm
@zeferby Thanks. Very helpful.
@spyder Thanks for the pic. I found them on ebay for $1.44 ea with free shipping. It's going to take a while to get them. They are coming from Hong...
@codecage How do I send you a PM?
@codecage You may have posted to the wrong thread but the subject matter is interesting. My two nano motor controller is hand wired on perf board. I...
@robo-pi Interesting idea. Keep me posted. Would like to try out your solution when you complete the project.
@robo-pi Interesting problem. You may have one weak cell. The only way to know for sure is to set up a breadboard to test the capacity of each indiv...
@robo-pi Very nice. My grandson and I built one of those and controlled it with a joystick and nRF24L01. We followed Bill's video. My grandson is n...
@robo-pi Good to know others are waiting patiently for the motor controller. My robot is a duplicate of DB-1 to this point except for the name. I ca...
OK, got it. I'm still waiting for a test sketch to check out the two nano motor driver board as you are, also. In the meantime, check out my post in...
Interesting. Does this mean Bill is using the Pi4 to control the motors and scraping his idea to use two 328P microcontrollers?
@dronebot-workshop There is a mechanical issue to consider. Servos with plastic gearboxes like the S1213 used in your video are prone to gear damage ...
@robo-pi Neat story about the Chatbot. It reminded me about learning BASIC in the early '80s. I wrote a program that dealt blackjack to a player. I...
@stven Thanks for the reply. I checked out amazon and discovered I needed a 5 x 20 mm fuse to match the holders I ordered. Bill
@codecage Thanks Steve for the pic of your custom boards. You used a PCB, nice. I ordered the fuse holders and an assortment of fuses. Bill
@codecage Thanks for the welcome Steve. I just finished my shopping list. Everything is on order except the Open MV Cam M8 and 9A, 12V fuses. Some ...