Last seen: 2019-07-15 6:13 pm
It's not single digit integers it's a char array so you will have to loop through the array and then convert all the numerics via base 10 : int pugwas...
Well the rest is easy, we just need to feed that data into the motor controller via a PID controller. ? As we seem to have covered the Mysterious MPU...
@recycled-roadkill YAY! Send it to a graph (serial plotter) and you should be able to tell when the robot is moving. To get the full information just...
I may take you up on that. ?
@recycled-roadkill Sorry but that was a correction to the original program so it should now read: #include <Wire.h>void setup() {// put your set...
@recycled-roadkill I just spotted my mistake so corrected my previous post Line 16 should read : Wire.write(0x3B);
@recycled-roadkill Another bug I'm afraid Line 16 should read : Wire.write(0x3B);Sorry but I've only got the one 6050 and it is plugged into Eric so I...
Of course it wasn't a mistake I was just testing you, yes that was it, I did it deliberately to see if you would spot it, no, no, not sloppy coding at...
Silly me, I didn't declare the variables. Try this: #include <Wire.h>void setup() {// put your setup code here, to run once:Wire.begin();Serial....
Elegoo Tumbller Robot????? What @recycled-roadkill describes: What @Duce-robot has: ? ? ?
The 6050 is used to detect the motion. Gravity and the motor controller causes the motion. I'm highlighting that point just for clarity. I'd love to...
These are characters, according to the ascii table: char(50) = "2" char(53) = "5" char(10) = LineFeed So 50,53,53,10 equates to the text string "255\n...
@Recycled Roadkill Well there's your problem, it's ye' quaternions in'it. <slow intake of breath> It's going to be expensive. You don't need qua...
Don't worry, I can walk you through this. I getting an idea what level you're at, if you don't understand a bit just ask. I'm off for some sleep. ...
Can you read the 6050 registers with wire? If you can there two ways to do this (and you may use them together) : Register 0x43 and 0x44 give the X gy...