Last seen: 2024-02-01 1:22 pm
@zander @davee @ron @robotbuilder We are a CCTV and networks company, and this matter was presented to us by the owners of one of the factories. We...
@davee @ron Thanks for your input. I know that it is not easy to implement, but I will continue searching to find the best possible solution at th...
@zander @DaveE @robotbuilder I tried to do a simple experiment using the Edge impulse, but it definitely needs further improvement and development
@zander This is a simple sample of the plastic raw material that contains a manufacturing defect.
@zander First of all, thanks for your time,On the one hand, it depends on experience, as you mentioned before,On the other hand, I don't think it need...
@zander Well, I'll definitely share comments here when I get something new. And if you get any new insight, keep me posted.
@zander Thanks for responding and trying to help. Warm regards.
@zander _First, for the required camera, we chose an ANPR camera because it has a high shutter speed and high FPS, but the software is otherwise, s...
@zander Certainly this is a question related to a factory that has this problemWe are trying to install an ANPR Camera to detect manufacturing defects...
I tried to find a solution using the Edge impulse, but it was a bit difficult to discover such subtle flaws.