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Here is a section for all of the robots other than DB1. Whether it's a robot of your own design, a robot you built from a kit or if you just have questions about robotics in general then this is where you should make your posts.



"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak

traup56 and mbogelund reacted
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Guns on robots... Robots with guns...

Sooner or later someone is going to attach some sort of shooting device on a robot and post about it here on the forums. I've seen this to cause upheaval in other robot forums, and would like to know if there are some rules, consensus, or other guidelines for this around here...? Just so that we're all prepared and aware that this is allowed or disallowed. 


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That is a very good question, glad you brought it up!

I really don't want to give any support for any device, robotic or otherwise, that could bring harm to a human or animal. 

Some leeway here would be the use of lasers, as long as they were not intentionally designed to harm anyone.  But as for firearms, I don't want to see any plans for killing machines here!

The DISCUSSION of the current or future state of this technology in the "Technology & Other Things" forum is permissible, I don't necessarily advocate hiding our heads in the sand when it comes to talking about evolving technologies.

And discussing the aiming, tracking and other components that such a robotic device would need is fine, as these can be used in multiple applications.  But just not the actual firing component.

Again thanks for bringing this up, the forum is really new and I hadn't thought of that one. I'll add something along the lines of what I just said to the Forum Rules.

Also, if anyone else has an opinion on this I'd be happy to hear it.



"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak

Mandy reacted
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years ago, i built a programmable plug in card for the Armitron and the 64k Color Computer...i'd love to try

that again with an Arduino and a better 'armbot'...its probably already been done by you forum members out

there...anybody have any suggestions for a better model of arm?


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Posted by: DroneBot Workshop

I really don't want to give any support for any device, robotic or otherwise, that could bring harm to a human or animal. 

Quietly slides the AK47 back under the workbench.



The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy, but these are new. They look human... sweat, bad breath, everything. Very hard to spot.

Ed_Zachery, Auto.ai Robotics, Weebo and 1 people reacted
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Thanks for your opinion on this. 

When I brought up this topic I didn't have "real" guns in mind - I see I didn't make this clear.

I was thinking about Nerf-like guns, rubber band shooters, and the like.

I've seen quite strong feelings against adding such toy guns to robots in other robot forums, and I just wanted to prevent the commotion. 

I don't think that real guns which can, or even are meant to harm, have a place in the DroneBot Workshop, so I  think we agree on that.


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Posted by: mbogelund

I don't think that real guns which can, or even are meant to harm, have a place in the DroneBot Workshop, so I  think we agree on that.

As I remember, Robot Wars, the masters of destructive remote controlled cars, do not allow projectile weapons and for good reason.  We know how poorly made most of the bits we use are, servos especially, one bad pulse and you end up explaining to your dad why the robot took out the kitchen with an RPG.

From a safety point of view your eyes are incredibly delicate (I have a slight mark on my vision from a childhood collision with a twig) so even a rubber band could be dire and only an absolute fool would let a robot lose with a live firearm (quietly packing haemostatic bandage into chest wound).

Joking aside, perhaps we should have something on robot safety in general.


The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy, but these are new. They look human... sweat, bad breath, everything. Very hard to spot.

mbogelund reacted
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I have to confess that I did indeed think you were speaking of real weapons, in a world where 3D-printed guns are an unfortunate reality it is indeed a concern.

Personally, I can't think of any practical reason to have a robot fire a projectile - I know that some robotic space probes use projectiles to stir up material from beneath the surface of an asteroid but it's probably safe to say that none of us are building spacecraft.  Maybe I'm missing something?

I think that Amanda has brought up the real issue, safety. Not just for robotic designs but for any project. 

I've been reluctant to feature any project or tutorial on the DroneBot Workshop that involves using household AC voltage, due to safety concerns.  I don't want anyone hurting themselves or building something that could be lethal.  The downside of that is it has prevented me from featuring some innovative home control projects.  It's a dilemma.

So a set of safety guidelines, which cover potentially lethal or dangerous designs, may be in order.  Something that could be used as a weapon is certainly not allowed. Something that has safety considerations would be allowed providing those considerations are explicitly mentioned.


"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak

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i am building three almost life size figures who will nod their heads, raise and arm, rock a rocking chair and speak.   One robot has five servos, three used to move arm and hands.   I am using a PCA 9685 board with Arduino Uno.  The head motions are smoothfor they are coupled to a servo with an arm so their motion is more sinusoidal.  But the arms jerk. I want to incorporate "servo easing" into the  script.  I am a novice Arduino user, I have help from a person who plans to take Computer science.  I am using  https://learn.adafruit.com/16-channel-pwm-dervo-driver    it but it does not work.  I do not know if i have a wire connection missing or a SW problem

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This post was a terribly failed attempt to edit dan27's post above to correct a typo in the link!

The words below are dan27's except for my correcting the link.

I am building three almost life size figures who will nod their heads, raise and arm, rock a rocking chair and speak.   One robot has five servos, three used to move arm and hands.   I am using a PCA 9685 board with Arduino Uno.  The head motions are smoothfor they are coupled to a servo with an arm so their motion is more sinusoidal.  But the arms jerk. I want to incorporate "servo easing" into the  script.  I am a novice Arduino user, I have help from a person who plans to take Computer science.  I am using this Learn Adafruit Link, but it does not work.  I do not know if i have a wire connection missing or a SW problem.


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I attempted to edit your post since you had a typo in your link, but I wound up with a separate post from me that was what I was trying to edit on your behalf.  Guess I need some more training on editing a post, or maybe Moderators can't edit a post, only Admins.

I also put the URL of the Learn Adafruit in the document using the "Link Chain" in the Menu icons.


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Hi Dan. Let me see if I understand. You are using a PCA 9685 on one and the Adfruit on another?  At any rate, can you post a pic or two of your board with the wires you have hooked up or a connection description?

Have you tried one of the AF library examples to see if it works with that?




Robo Pi
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Posted by: @codecage

Guess I need some more training on editing a post

Codecage needs some training
for the forums he's maintaining
but while he learns the forum turns
it's extremely entertaining


The jingle came from nowhere
but my fingers had to share
so now I've placed the forums
in a state of deep despair

DroneBot Workshop Robotics Engineer

codecage reacted
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Thanks for your quick response.  From the PCA 9685 I have Vcc to 5 v, SCL to  A5, SDA to A4 and gnd to gnd.  I am using the pin extensions from UNO that exist on an Adafruit music maker mp3 shield on the UNO.  I will look for an AF library example and try that.

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The wiring looks right. You will also need to add extra power for the servo to run on I think.  Also, load an i2c scanner to the Uno. There a quite a few on the net, like this one: https://gist.github.com/tfeldmann/5411375   This will tell you what devices are on the i2c bus. Look for the address listed in the code you have for your device number.



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