I've been using a cheap Mastercraft multimeter that I bought about 25 years ago. It's starting to get flakey. What's a good brand to buy - hopefully something easily available in Canada?
FYI, the UNI-T M830BUZ is an excellent low-cost alternative. I have been using it for at least 5 years with no problems.
@auto-ai-robotics Thanks, but I can't seem to find a Canadian distributer. Amazon has other UNI-T models, but I'm reluctant to use Amazon these days.
Thanks again!
How cheap can you get? Well I came across a cheap charlie meter like this £fiver
(Not from this seller in particular - just shown as an example of whats on EB)
in fact they are only a couple quid in PRC
I wanted some digital LCD displays volts/amps and these were as cheap as he little LED panel meters
so I bought 10 of them. A couple have packed up why?? but the rest are fine - a biit iffy around the selector switch sometimes
Wardning dont leave these switched on as they will drain the pp9 battery in a week or so. I powered mine separately for long term use
floats my boat
Always look on the bright side of life