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[Sticky] Technology & Other Things

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This is an area for posts that don't fit anywhere else. Posts to discuss new technical products or trends, tech news, and interesting research subjects.

No steadfast rules here, but please keep it confined to topics that are somewhat technical. This is NOT the place to discuss politics, world news events (unless of course, they are technical), sports and entertainment or celebrity gossip.  While those subjects can be fascinating there are many better venues to discuss them!

"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak

Altoidian and mbogelund reacted
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Posts: 61

Hello and congratulations for this new site.

If I may, I would like to suggest a forum section for tools, instruments and techniques which are applicable to this community.

I wish everybody here much fun!


Mandy and Altoidian reacted
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Does anyone know something about the gravity ring the one where you hook wires to a metal ring and apply power and it lifts up  I'm thinking about incorporating it ....maybe......maybe

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Everything I've seen involves superconductors, or really high magnetism "levitating" on a copper plate, but, nothing so far that actually passes for something useful. I think these 2 videos are probably the best examples. 

The Searl Effect is interesting because it seems to create its own superconductive qualities, and while the spinning magnets on the copper plate look cool, it would require you to have all your floors replaced with sheets of copper, which I didn't find to be very cost effective

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I saw one with a thin metal ring with a network of wires hooked to the outer edge hooked to an arduino when power or pwm was applied it lifted up only a foil ring but if it could affect flight even on the most passive level  it might be cool but its just a dream lol but it is summer time so it can be a campy dream lol? I saw it on YouTube once now I can't find it maybe you can locate it it was an arduino video

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The thin foil ring sounds like ion propulsion, which isn't anti-gravity, it's just propellor-less forced air, and a massive amount of wires would be because it requires massive amounts of electricity to force ions to move enough to provide lift. It was probably the ring from an old CRT

This should be an easy video to find...

I also remember something about capacitors having a floating effect which I can't seem to find

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Just started cutting the wedges that make up one disk foam have a "foil" type canister which will contain one albeit powerful edf drawing down from the top thrust vented through a plenum to 2  " foil" duct's one to top disc one to bottom disk this can spin disc's in opposite directions and perhaps a diffuser vent to take some of the excess wash from the edf and direct it down through the skirt to give it some added push and........I don't know something else I'm sure.

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just saw this and it was a trip so i think you all should see it 


Duce robot reacted
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I know this is not "technology related", but I couldn't find another place to put it. 

Where can I find old newsletters that Bill put out? 


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Posted by: @egers

Where can I find old newsletters that Bill put out? 

Sorry, I never thought to post them anywhere after I sent them. But if there is interest I can certainly start putting them on the website. I still have them all as Google Docs.

I'll be doing some major updates to both the website and this forum, in fact, it will be "off the air" for most of the day on Dec 25th as I'm also moving everything to a bigger server (Dec 25th is typically the lowest traffic day on the site so it should have the least impact).  I already have a long list of changes to make, but if anyone has any suggestions I'll entertain them. 

"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak

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Posted by: @dronebot-workshop

Dec 25th is typically the lowest traffic day on the site so it should have the least impact

Famous last words! 🙂

If I don't speak to you earlier, all the best for the Christmas season and new coming year!

Sorcerers' Apprentice
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@dronebot-workshop, @frogandtoad

Dec 25th is typically the lowest traffic day on the site

I don't even dare to turn on my computer on the 25th, let alone be caught with my iPad.

I live in a household of Luddites ? ? ? 

christmas tree

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Posted by: @pugwash

I don't even dare to turn on my computer on the 25th, let alone be caught with my iPad.

I live in a household of Luddites ? ? ?

Well, then I guess I don't need to worry about the forum not being available to you on the 25th!

My only obligation that day is to cook a turkey dinner, otherwise, everyone else can amuse each other while I work on the website.

"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak

Robo Pi
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It's Christmas day in the workshop.
Not a creature is stirring not even a mouse.
Till Bill comes storming in
and the server begins to rouse

It's a downer day for the forums
as the software is replaced
and all the little forumulites
are cyberly displaced

All Bill's little helpers
that reside within his mind
work throughout the holiday
toward a forum redesigned

And all the forum members
will program their Arduinos
with chestnuts roasting on a fire
that's heating cappuccions.

It's the happiest day of the year
when technolgists go to extremes
to solder and program their robots
fullfilling all their dreams

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  ? ? ❤️ ? ? ? ? ? ? 

DroneBot Workshop Robotics Engineer

Sorcerers' Apprentice
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My only obligation that day is to cook a turkey dinner

On the Island of Dr Moreau, mad scientist and Nobel Prize winner for genetic mutations crosses a turkey with a millipede, finally solving that age old Christmas conundrum.

No matter how many people turn up for Xmas dinner, everybody gets a leg!

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