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Our own Bill will be a Guest on Paul McWhorter's YouTube Saturday Live!

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To ALL DroneBot Workshop Members,

Next Saturday, October 24, 2020 at 11:00 AM CDT, Bill is going to be interviewed on Paul McWhorter's YouTube Saturday Live show.  Paul's Live show yesterday was on his choice of the top 5 technology YouTube sites.  His #1 pick was DroneBot Workshop!  Sure hope you will have time to tune in.

For our members that are not in the US and are unfamiliar with our time zones, CDT is UTC-5.  Therefore this YouTube video will be at 4:00 PM UTC.  That should make it a little easier to adjust to your time zone.


Hope everyone can participate.




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Will it be available on youtube later?

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Yes it will.  I'll try to post the link here after next Saturday morning to help everyone find it.


HaraldBlab reacted
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Thank you from all the members who have Saturdays booked.

Robo Pi
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I couldn't agree more with Paul McWhorter's recognition of The Dronebot Workshop as one of the very best technology channels on YouTube.   I've recognized Bill's superb production and presentation skills pretty much the first time I watch one of his videos.  I've even suggested on many occasions that I would love to see Bill's channel held up by YouTube as a prime example of one of the best educational formats on YouTube.  Although it's certainly not the only one.   But it might be the best example on the topics he covers.   I would have to vote Paul's channel as coming in at a very close second.   In fact, I would even hesitate to say that Paul's channel is second in quality.  It's not.  It's just a different format.   Both formats are extremely good.  In fact, when it comes to Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Jetson Nano, Bill and Paul's videos are indeed my "goto" videos. 

Having said that there are clearly other top contenders as well.  Paul mentioned some of them.  On Paul's live chat many people mentioned Ben Eater as well which I also like very much with the exception that I pretty much already know most of what Ben Eater covers.  But he certainly covers it very well.  He's an excellent teacher.

The problem I have with YouTube technology channels is with trying to find ones that cover topics I'm actually interested it.   When I do find channels that cover what I'd like to learn they are often very poorly produced and have terrible explanations, or such bad video quality that I simple can't stand to watch them.   So they aren't very helpful.

I very much appreciate Paul's topics on "AI on the Jetson Nano", and his in-depth series on "9-axis IMU".  Two very excellent courses.  He also has a really good course on learning Fusion 360.   I was hopeful on that until I discovered that none of my computers would run Fusion 360 without major problems.  Of course that's not Paul's fault.

I'm still hoping to make my own videos on topics I am interested in.  FPGAs, CPLDs, Neural Networks, and Linguistic AI.   I've been way too busy to make any videos recently.  And even when I do, I need to learn all this stuff myself, so my videos are going to basically be a Vlog of my own learning process.

In any case, I'm looking forward to watching the Interview next Saturday (or sometime thereafter, as @sj_h1 suggested).  Scheduling time is hit-and-miss for me at the moment.   So if I'm not there live I'll definitely pick it up later.

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I for one enjoy your Vlogs of your learning experience.  I have learned quite a bit right along with you.  And they present plenty of opportunities for further experimenting.


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Just slipped over to Pauls youtube video to see more detail !!!! Dronebot is his top channel out of 5.WOW

I will set my alarm so that i can watch Bill 

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I may regret mentioning this, but if anyone has any burning questions that they would like to ask me you can submit them on this video that Paul just made.


Please, no questions regarding my Pandemic-style haircuts, they are trade secrets!



"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak

huckOhio reacted
Robo Pi
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I was going to be there
in-person on chat
and post a few poems
on this and that

But alas there's no way
to post multiple rows
to clearly arrange
my poetic prose

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Finally!  Some prose from our resident poet.


Robo Pi
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Here's the lyrics to a jazz song I wrote for The Dronebot Workshop.

I was going to record it and post the video, but too many other things to do. 😮 

So I guess I may as well just post the lyrics.  Not nearly as interesting as the jazz piece, but what can I say? I can't seem to find the time to record it.  Although I wanted to do a full-blown video with interesting graphics.  Maybe I should downscale it to just an audio recording?

Anyway here's the lyrics:

The DroneBot Workshop is the place to be
You can build arduinos to the nth degree
And if you have the money for a Raspberry Pi
The limit to your projects is beyond the sky

In the DroneBot Workshop there's a man named Bill.
If you listen to his lectures you'll acquire his skill.
He'll teach you everything you ever wanted to know
And if you hang around we'll build a Jetson Nano

There's musical jazz choruses between and after the stanzas.  So it's pretty dead without the music.  You can't feel the beat. ☹️ 


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@dronebot-workshop I now find myself able to join the live chat. Does anyone have the link to it?

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You can see the replay here:

I had a lot of fun doing this, Paul actually "interviewed" me for almost an hour before we got started.



"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak

Robo Pi
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I wasn't able to make the live interview, but I did watch the replay.  Very nice interview.


I would rate both channels A+.  You guys just have different style.  One thing I really like about Paul's channel is that he tends to have entire on-going courses which is something I really enjoy.  Especially since he just happens to be covering topics that I'm really into.  

He course on "AI on the Jetson Nano" was an extreme pleasure for me.   It came just in the nick of time.  I was desperately searching for a course precisely on that topic, including learning OpenCV which he used throughout that course.   So that was a real find for me.  I haven't seen any other courses on those specific topics yet that even remotely compare with what he offered up.   

What I think is so amazing about Paul is that he seems to have several different courses going on simultaneously.  I also took his course on the 9-axis IMU.  Where he finds the time to do all these courses is beyond me.  I started making a few continued series on topics only to discover that they are indeed extremely time-consuming.

Also, as you said in the interview Bill, i too find myself being distracted by other chores.   I'm still running around trying to prepared for the harsh winter months to come.  Hopefully when the bad weather finally hits I'll be prepared and finally have the time to go back to making more videos again.

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Apart from the inline ads, I think I counted 10 of them in one hour, it was interesting!

I especially liked your opinion on education, as this is exactly my opinion too. Education is the most valuable asset we can pass on to the next generation, but I see dark clouds on the horizon. America seems to be spearheading "higher education but only for those who can pay for it". The result being, that kids coming out of universities, whether they have passed or failed, left with crippling debts to pay and other countries seem to be slowly following suit. I firmly believe that students should be allowed to study up to their competence level, for free, just like the system was when I went to university. My parents didn't have to pay a thing, except for some private financing (beer and food), but they didn't have the deep pockets required today.

I am also glad that you mentioned Andreas Spiess and Ralph Bacon, both of which I watch as religiously as I watch the DB Workshop. The three channels have refreshingly different approaches to some interesting concepts.

I am definitely looking forward to more ESP32 applications!

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