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Alternative source code repositories

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Someone was asking about Git in another topic. I thought I'd point out that there are alternatives to Git, but you will likely have to host the repositories yourself but you can back them up to OneDrive or DropBox. When I say host, I don't mean you'll need to run a webserver. The repository is just a folder on your disk, nothing more.

Take a quick look at Mercurial ( and Subversion ( They are both simpler in concept and execution than Git but provide the same basic functionality. The world has pretty much settled on Git as a standard but I personally don't love it as it provides ways to shoot yourself in the foot.

If you create a Mercurial or Subversion repository in a folder in OneDrive or DropBox (or whatever else you use), you'll get the benefits of archiving and change management.

ron bentley
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Posts: 385

Posted by: @yurkshirelad

Someone was asking about Git in another topic. I thought I'd point out that there are alternatives to Git, but you will likely have to host the repositories yourself but you can back them up to OneDrive or DropBox. When I say host, I don't mean you'll need to run a webserver. The repository is just a folder on your disk, nothing more.

Take a quick look at Mercurial ( and Subversion ( They are both simpler in concept and execution than Git but provide the same basic functionality. The world has pretty much settled on Git as a standard but I personally don't love it as it provides ways to shoot yourself in the foot.

If you create a Mercurial or Subversion repository in a folder in OneDrive or DropBox (or whatever else you use), you'll get the benefits of archiving and change management.

Nice alternatives. It pays to think about change management. I think the most people are either oblivious, cant be bothered or dont have the tools.

No excuse, there are options and choices! 

A helpful post.

Ron B


Ron Bentley
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I was a big fan of Mercurial when the distributed version control were still a new thing. I still think it has a nicer and consistent interface than Git, but Git became the de-facto industry standard. Since even Bitbucket dropped Mercurial, there are no easy to host options out there.


Subversion, on the other hand, is not a distributed version control system. It solves things differently, and branching or solving merge conflicts is a nightmare (or was back when I used it). I'm glad that I only had to work with it a short time. I wouldn't advise using it, maybe if you are the only person using it, and don't use branching.


In the end, it depends on your needs and whether/how you want to share your work with others or provide an easy way for others to contribute.


Regarding OneDrive/Dropbox or similar, keep in mind that all the version control systems come with metadata files (in folders like .git, .hg, .svn) that might break when file permissions, timestamps, or case sensitiveness change. When directly using them on network file systems, it might run very slow and concurrent access could be problematic.

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