There are several of us that have 3D printers already and a few, Bill included, that are considering delving into the world of 3D printing. So far most of the posts have been back and forth on the another thread that was about the assembly of an ANET A8 Plus, so I thought it might be time to start a whole separate topic for 3D printers here in the Technology & Other Things.
OK 3D Printer Gurus,
Here is a photo of one slice in the GCode Viewer of OctoPrint that shows a "crosshatch" pattern in the job I have currently running on my printer.
While the infill crosshatch pattern is well defined in this photo, my print has the infill crosshatch looking more like spaghetti. The sides, outlines of holes and solid surfaces seem to print fine, but the infill pattern seems to be pulled apart when the hot end moved off in a different direction. I use CURA to slice my STL files, so I'm guessing there is some setting (or a bunch of them) that I have set wrong.
Anyone with enough experience to lend some guidance?
Well after posting the previous question, I may have now stumbled upon something that might just answer my question. I have just sliced a very similar STL with some new settings that may make a big difference.
Stay tuned for further updates.
In case you're curious, I've started printing the parts for the Mars Rover that got mentioned here on the Forum a few weeks back.
Some things better other things worse!
Any ideas on the below pic as to what might be the issue?
Things seem just fine on left and the first part, closest to camera was almost ok on the right, but the remaining 5 were a wreck on the right hand end.
I know some will say bed leveling, but the paper drags more on the right side of bed than the left.
Did I read in a post that you had worn out your print head nozzle and had ordered some replacements?
Are you satisfied with them and which ones did you order and from where?
How about everyone with a 3D printer reply with their make and model so we can generate a list of who has what? Also any thoughts you might want to share about your experience.
I have an ANET A8 Plus that I put together as a kit. So far I'm well please with it and have learned a lot about 3D printers. I knew just about zilch before assembling this printer.
Did I read in a post that you had worn out your print head nozzle and had ordered some replacements?
yeah mine got a nasty clogged. ive tried ordering new ones twice. one guy canceled the order and the of on hasnt shown up yet.but i just did a search on ebay for anet a8 extruder heads but i wouldnt suggest using ebay ive been waiting over 2 weeks. and now my tracking info has disappeared from ebay
this is new. got this info once already but dated on the 17th
- Sep 19, 2019
- 12:18pm
- Shipment Received, Package Acceptance Pending
- Sep 20, 2019
- 3:05am
- Tracking number provided
but this is what i ordered
I know some will say bed leveling, but the paper drags more on the right side of bed than the left.
have you knicked the extruder head at all while trying to clean it. the brass is so soft if you damaged it at all it will do weird stuff like that to you prints.
I know some will say bed leveling, but the paper drags more on the right side of bed than the left.
have you knicked the extruder head at all while trying to clean it. the brass is so soft if you damaged it at all it will do weird stuff like that to you prints.
i also ordered some steel heads from china so ill let you know in about 2 months LOL
Don't think I have nicked it, but will check when the current print finishes.
It's currently printing a wheel for the Mars Rover! I just couldn't resist!! May not need it for a long, long time if ever, but wanted it in my printed objects collection. So far it is looking pretty good. I'll post a picture when it is complete.
Maybe I should try some of the stainless steel nozzles. Have you heard anything either good or bad about them?
Being a noob at 3d-printing (i only had my very first printer, an Ender5, 3 weeks ago), I won't give any definitive advice, but I can tell you i've been fed up very quickly with the manual bed leveling hassle !
So I ordered the BLTouch for the Ender5 and since then i didn't have a first-layer-fail with the resulting spaggetti plate !
Then, depending on the filament i use, i sometimes have to check retraction in Cura (but i haven't needed Z-hop yet), and increase retraction up to 7 or 8 mm for some filaments to avoid stringing at 200°C.
It does add print time, but i prefer that to failed prints.
By the way, for those searching for a bargain, CReality is launching the Ender-5 Plus and i saw yesterday that the original Ender-5 is now on sale at $319 on