Hurray! Did you change out the bearings or just use the originals?
And I looks like the limit switch is turned the wrong way. I think the hinge should be towards the guide rails, but I need to go check my installation.
Did you change out the bearings or just use the originals?
its all stock parts. just want the build first. i can always mess with things later
My bad!!!! The switch is the right way!!!!
yeah the instructions aren't all that clear so i'm taking my time and double checking everything
i had to slide the bearing into the switch a couple just for fun click click
Did you find the on-line video. No audio, but close captioned in English (well in some cases Chinglish!).
Here is the link just in case: Assembly Video
Good Luck!
Did you find the on-line video. No audio, but close captioned in English (well in some cases Chinglish!)
ohh no i didnt thank you i will be putting to to use
Be sure the guide rails are completely seated in the stepper motor end of the X-Axis assembly. You should be able to see the rails from the rear of the stepper motor mount. And the two rails should extend just a short distance out of the right side of the bracket that the Z-Axis guide rail and screw drive are routed through. The ends of the rails should be extending by the same length on the right.
Clear as mud, right?
P.S. I had the same experience trying to get pictures. And video!
Be sure the guide rails are completely seated in the stepper motor end of the X-Axis assembly.
great tip i did notice that they can slide out the back just got my fan and blower hooked on to the printing head and got it mounted on the rails then my back was hurting so i stopped for a bit
Did you change out the bearings or just use the originals?
but i do have some white lithium im going to give it a bit. i see why you would want to change them out it feels like sand paper
Before you start greasing them, try loosening the screws just a tad. I've found that if they're even a micron off being aligned perfectly, they feel like they're grinding
Before you start greasing them, try loosening the screws just a tad. I've found that if they're even a micron off being aligned perfectly, they feel like they're grinding
ill try that thank you
Look'in good. ?
DroneBot Workshop Robotics Engineer
Hold the presses! I think you may have the X-Axis mechanism mounted wrong. The motor for the X-Axis should be on the left when viewing from the front of the printer. I think I see how you went that route, so take a look at the video at the 13:15 mark and notice that view is from the rear of the printer. Notice the Y-Axis motor and the connector on the hot bed. That rear view gives the impression the X-Axis motor is on the right, but notice also that the Z-Axis positioning screws and guide rails are on the opposite side of the Z-Axis vertical rails in the rear view. In your photo the Z-Axis positioning screws and guide rails are seen with the X-Axis motor on the right.
I could be way off base, considering I seem to have an issue with my "positioning," but please take another look at the video and your printer before proceeding. If I'm wrong I gladly redo my printer and see if that is my problem with the positioning.
Maybe we'll both have a working printer real soon.
P.S. I had a double order of the guide rail bearings, so if you do decide to replace them, give me a holler before you order a set for yourself.