So... I've done a quick Google about, looking for beginner training for ROS (found links below) and now I seek your advice. Does anyone have any sage advice for getting a wizened old sexagenarian up to speed on ROS? I took a dip into it, more than a year ago, and found it to be "not ready for prime time." A year is a long time in this world so I'm hoping to now find a more refined ROS.
Any recomendations on training (videos, literature, courses) or platforms (RPi, nvidia, ubuntu)? Any "gotchas, or "watch out fors?"
On Line Courses (far too many 🙁
I liked The Construct courses. Plus if you register you will get weekly tutorials.
Pat Wicker (Portland, OR, USA)
I started looking into The Construct Sim site, but, it looked like they wanted $60 a month
Did I miss something ?
Any "gotchas" ?
It's both complicated and easy
The details get kinda tricky, but, once you understand the BASIC workings, it gets easier
Far easier if you only use ONE computer to control the bot, it gets trickier once you start getting into coordinating comms between multiple computers, but, then, if you treat the multiple computers as a single system, even that gets easier... still complicated (for me anyway), but the theory gets easier
My advice would be to start with a simple bot, with no arms or hands to control that need extra motor controllers. That's where I made my mistake. I jumped right into multiple computers and motor controllers which complicated things immensely (well, after the Jetbot, which gave the the stupid idea that I knew what I was doing, which I didn't)
I just took a look at the ebook you posted a link to, and, from the brief peek I took at it, I'm liking it
It even has a preloaded Raspbian-ROS image to download (which I'm currently downloading to test), which should save you enormous amounts of frustration and should make getting started a far less daunting task
@spyder They have some free courses along with the subscription
Pat Wicker (Portland, OR, USA)
Thanks @spyder . I'll give the dock a better read through this week. I've got five "computers" in ARDVARC now and ROS seems to be holding out the promise of simplified communication. Sounds like I may need to pare it back a bit to start. It looks like my best bet is to start with a Linux PC and work outward from there.